Pictured at a dinner in Magheragall
Parish Church Hall last Wednesday afternoon (31st
January) to mark the 20th anniversary of
the Senior Citizens' Club are: (seated) Elizabeth
Hill, Maureen Cheevers, Kitty McCluskey and Annie
Maginnis. (back row) Bobby Cunningham, Rev Raymond
McKnight, Rev Nicholas Dark, Rt Rev Alan Harper -
Bishop of Connor, Rev Canon Alec Cheevers and Sharon
Rector's wives, Maureen Cheevers and
Bronwen Dark cut a cake to commemorate the 20th
anniversary of Magheragall Parish Senior Citizens'
Club last Wednesday afternoon (31st
A week of celebrations was held at Magheragall Parish
Church last week to mark the 20th anniversary of
the Senior Citizens' Club. The celebrations began last
Wednesday afternoon (31st January) when a
delightful four-course dinner, prepared by a catering team
from Atlas (Adult Training Learning and Support - Sloan
Street, Lisburn), by Atlas Catering,
was served in the Church Hall. Organised by club leaders,
Bobby and Sharon Cunningham, the guests at the dinner were
founder members Elizabeth Hill and Annie Maginnis; former
Rectors Rev Raymond McKnight and
the Rev Canon Alec Cheevers and his wife Maureen.
The special guest was the Rt Rev Alan Harper, Bishop of
Connor in this his last parish visit before commencing his
duties as Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland
last Friday (2nd February). Led by club leader,
Bobby Cunningham, all present joined in singing Happy
Birthday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the
club and also to celebrate the 85th birthday of
club member Kitty McCluskey.
The Rector, the Rev Nicholas
Dark, presents a gift to Bobby and Sharon
Cunningham in recognition of their exemplary
leadership of Magheragall Parish Senior
Citizens' Club, which celebrated its 20th
anniversary with a dinner last Wednesday
afternoon (31st January).
The catering team from Atlas
(Adult Training Learning and Support - Sloan
Street, Lisburn) who
provided a delightful four-course dinner to
celebrate the 20th anniversary of
Magheragall Parish Senior Citizens' Club last
Wednesday afternoon (31st January).
L to R: Bobby Cunningham, Sharon Cunningham,
Alison Walker, Helen Watson, Gay Sherry, Dorothy
Sherry and Stephen Reid.
Following the dinner the Rev Raymond McKnight (Rector of
Magheragall 1986-1991) recalled that it was 16 years and 5
days since he had been in Magheragall church hall. He said
that while there had been many changes in the buildings
during the years, the Senior Citizens' had not changed a
bit. He recalled how the club was formed on 4th
February 1987, born out of a Parish Focus Day at Glenada
House, Newcastle in October 1986, the five founder members
were Elizabeth Hill, Annie Maginnis (who were present at the
dinner) and the late Violet Fletcher, Jeannie Ruddy and
Sally Forsythe. Canon Alec Cheevers (Rector of Magheragall
1991-2004) thanked Mr McKnight for starting the club.
Speaking of its gift to the ministry, he recalled many happy
Wednesday afternoons spent with the senior citizens and
concluded by wishing them health and happiness to enjoy the
fellowship of the club.
The present Rector, the Rev Nicholas Dark thanked his
guests for spending the special day with them and presented
Bobby and Sharon Cunningham with a gift in appreciation of
their exemplary leadership of the Senior Citizens' Club.
Sharon Cunningham spoke of how she and her husband Bobby
became leaders of the club in April 2004 as he wanted to do something within the
parish. She spoke of the great satisfaction they get from
this leadership role and how they go home refreshed after
each club meeting. Sharon concluded by thanking the club
members for their support.
The Senior Citizens' Club celebrations continued last
Sunday morning (4th February) with a special
service in the Church conducted by the Rev Nicholas Dark.
The week of celebrations concluded on Wednesday afternoon (7th
February) when they were guests of The Right Worshipful the
Mayor, Councillor Trevor Lunn at the Mayor's Parlour at
Lisburn City Council, Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn.