Pictured at morning worship in Legacurry
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 20th May are L to R:
The assistant minister, the Rev Ken Nelson, the
Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the minister, the
Rev Bobby Liddle. (Photo by Aaron McCracken).
The Rev Bobby Liddle welcomes the Mayor -
Councillor Trevor Lunn to morning worship in
Legacurry Presbyterian Church on Sunday 20th May.
Included are Mrs Ann Liddle (left) and the Mayoress
- Mrs Laureen Lunn. (Photo by Aaron McCracken).
The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn were the special guests at morning worship in
Legacurry Presbyterian Church on Sunday 20th May. The minister,
the Rev Bobby Liddle welcomed the congregation and visitors and
gave a special welcome to his guests.
After reading a portion of Scripture from Nahum 1 v 1-8 the
Mayor thanked Mr Liddle for his invitation to Legacurry. He said
that it was great to see the church so well filled and
especially great to see so many children in attendance. He spoke
of his recent visits to many churches in the Lisburn area saying
that it had been an interesting experience. In bringing the
greetings of Lisburn City Council he wished the minister and the
congregation God's blessing and every success for the future.
John and Lyn Martin and Aaron and Helen McCracken
and their three children Alex, Chris and David
pictured with the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and
the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn during refreshments
following morning worship in Legacurry Presbyterian
Church on Sunday 20th May.
The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn chats with
Rachel Montgomery and Michael Thompson during
refreshments following morning worship in Legacurry
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 20th May. (Photo by
Aaron McCracken).
Mr Liddle chose as the topic for his address 'the feet of those
who bring good news'. Referring to the Scripture lesson read by
the Mayor, he spoke of Nahum's good news for - our world, our
society, Christ's Church and individual believers. He emphasised
that 'Jesus is the Good News' or as Nahum puts it Nahum 1 verse
7, 'The Lord is Good, a refuge in times of trouble, He cares for
those who trust in Him'.
Rodney Hinds on organ and Susan Brown on piano and the praise
band and church choir led the worship of well known hymns and
contemporary songs that included 'God give us peace that lasts'
and 'We are a moment'. The assistant minister, the Rev Ken
Nelson led the prayers of intercession.
Refreshments were served in the church hall after the service
allowing members of the congregation to meet and chat with the
Mayor and Mayoress.