The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn were the special guests at morning worship in St
Colman's, Dunmurry last Sunday (3rd June). The service concluded
a busy weekend at the church following on from a very successful
Parish Fair on Saturday. The rector, the Rev Tom Priestly
welcomed the congregation and visitors and in welcoming his
special guests, thanked them for the work they have done during
the last year.
Mrs Sheena Herron (People's Church
Warden) and Chris Cusdin (Rector's Church Warden)
pictured with some of the parishioner who attended
morning worship in St Colman's, Dunmurry last Sunday
(3rd June). Included in the photo are Dr Robert
Common (right in back row) and his wife Olive.
The Rector, the Rev Tom Priestly and
organist Alan Yarr look on as the Mayor, Councillor
Trevor Lunn, re-takes the seat at St Colman's church
organ which he occasionally occupied during the
period when his father sang in the church choir.
After reading a portion of Scripture from Matthew 28, the Mayor
thanked Mr Priestly for his invitation to St Colman's. He said
it was a pleasure to visit the church and as a former organist,
spoke of his delight at seeing a robed choir accompanied by the
church organ. Referring to his close connections to St Colman's,
he recalled when his father sang in the choir and the times when
he was asked on several occasions to play the organ. Looking
around at many familiar faces he said that it was a pleasure to
see the Rev Canon Cecil Cooper (retired rector of Drumbeg
Parish) in the congregation. He also spoke of his visits to many
churches in the Lisburn area and in bringing the greetings of
Lisburn City Council, wished the Rector and the congregation
God's blessing and every success for the future.
Alan Yarr on organ and the church choir led the worship of
well-known hymns that included 'All things bright and beautiful'
and 'To God be the Glory' and 'All people that on earth do
Mr Priestly chose as the topic for his address the 'Trinity'. He
spoke of God the FATHER who created the world and us; the
physical manifestation of God the father through his SON; and
also of the HOLY GHOST who can work in all of us and can lead
and direct our lives empowering us to fulfil His commission to
'Go and make disciples of all nations'. He concluded by
emphasising God's promise 'I am with you always' and prayed that
we would all spread God's word and fulfil our commission.