Pictured at morning worship in Sloan
Street Presbyterian Church last Sunday (11th
February) are L to R: James McDowell - Clerk of
Session, Rev John Keefe, Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn
and the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn. (back row)
Kenneth Irvine - Secretary, Valerie Wiggam -
Organist, Barbara McDade - Scripture Union, Heather
Henry - Scripture Union and John Cunningham -
Church elders pictured at morning
worship in Sloan Street Presbyterian Church last
Sunday (11th February). L to R: James Martin,
Kenneth Irvine - Secretary, Mayor - Councillor
Trevor Lunn, Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn, Rev John
Keefe, James McDowell - Clerk of Session and John
Cunningham - Treasurer. (back row) Dr Ivan Wiggam,
Paul McCarroll, Dr Brian Craig, Clifford Morrison,
Jim Hamilton and
Nelson Small.
The Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the
Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn were the special guests at morning
worship in Sloan Street Presbyterian Church last Sunday (11th
February). The minister, the Rev John Keefe welcomed the
congregation and gave a special welcome to his guests.
The Mayor thanked Mr Keefe for the invitation to visit Sloan
Street and spoke of his recent visits to many churches in the
Lisburn area. He also spoke of the Mayor's theme to 'Make
Lisburn a city for everyone' and the need to embrace diversity.
Bringing the greetings of Lisburn City Council, he wished the
members of Sloan Street every blessing as a congregation. The
Mayor concluded by reading the Scripture lesson from Psalm 94.

Members of the congregation
who led the praise at morning worship in Sloan
Street Presbyterian Church last Sunday (11th
February). L to R: (seated) Ivan Wiggam (Bass),
Janet Moore (violin), Paul McCarroll (flute) and
Rachel Irwin (flute). (back row) The Mayor -
Councillor Trevor Lunn, the Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn, Judith Martin (piano) and Valerie
Wiggam - Organist.
Heather Henry and Barbara McDade from Scripture Union gave an
update of the 'Churches and Schools Together' project and spoke
about the need to Pray for SU and teachers and pupils involved
in school SU groups; Encourage the SU District Schools' Worker -
Judith Dunn; and Give by supporting the work of the 'Churches
and Schools Together' project financially.
In a challenging address, the Rev John Keefe spoke of three
reasons why we do not come to Jesus - the only Saviour. Mr Keefe
said that: We are INSENSITIVE to our need of Christ and just do
not feel that we need Him in our lives. We are IMPENITENT of our
sins and don't want to give things up. We DON'T BELIEVE that
God's promise is for us. Mr Keefe concluded by emphasising the
need to believe God's promise and come to Him that we might have
Valerie Wiggam on organ, Judith Martin on piano and a group of
musicians led the praise. Nelson Small assisted by Laura Martin
introduced some items of praise including 'Men of faith rise up
and sing', 'No one but you Lord' and 'Remember God knows all you