The Right Worshipful the Mayor,
Councillor Trevor Lunn MLA and the Mayoress Mrs
Laureen Lunn are welcomed to St Colman's Church,
Lambeg by the Parish Priest for Derriaghy, the Very
Rev Fergal McGrady and some members of the Parish
Pastoral Council. L to R: Marcella Phillips, Imelda
Scott, the Very Rev Fergal McGrady, Councillor
Trevor Lunn MLA (Mayor), Mrs Laureen Lunn
(Mayoress), John Steen, Eileen McGarry, Phil Traynor
and Joe Robinson.
At the beginning of his term of office as Lisburn's First
Citizen, The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Trevor Lunn
sent a letter to all church leaders showing his willingness to
visit churches in the Lisburn City Council area in keeping with
his mayoral theme to embrace diversity and ensure that 'Lisburn
is a City for all'. Many ministers accepted his invitation
resulting in a very busy but interesting and enjoyable schedule
of engagements for him and his wife Laureen. They concluded
their visits to Lisburn churches on Sunday 17th June when they
visited St Colman's Church, Lambeg and were welcomed by the
Parish Priest for Derriaghy, the Very Rev Fergal McGrady.
Churches visited during his Mayoral year included: First
Lisburn, Railway Street, Sloan Street, Hillhall, Elmwood,
Legacurry, Dunmurry, Kilmakee, Ballycairn and Second Dromara
Presbyterian Churches; Hillsborough Free Presbyterian Church;
Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian Church; Lisburn Cathedral, St
Paul's, Christ Church - Lisburn, St Malachy - Hillsborough, St
Mark's - Ballymacash, St Colman's - Dunmurry, Parish Church of
St Patrick - Drumbeg and St Andrew's - Killaney; St Patrick's -
Lisburn and St Lukes - Twinbrook Roman Catholic Churches; Sloan
Street, Trinity and Glenavy Methodist Church; Mount Zion Free
Methodist Church; Religious Society of Friends (Quakers);
Salvation Army; Lambeg Baptist; Ballinderry Moravian; Lisburn
Elim and Lisburn Christian Fellowship.
Trevor's Mayoral year seen many changes at our Lisburn churches.
Vacancies were created at: Dromara Reformed Church when the Rev
John Hawthorne moved to Dervock in April 2006; Church of Saint
John the Evangelist, Dromara when the Rev Alan Millar moved to
St. Comgall's, Rathcoole in September 2006; Hillhall
Presbyterian when the Rev Jack Richardson retired in December
2006; Maghaberry Elim Pentecostal Church when Pastor Johnny
Brown moved to Portadown Elim in February 2007; St Columba's
when the Rev John Honeyford moved to Castlederg and Alt in April
2007; Ballycairn Presbyterian Church when the Rev Victor
Sinclair retired in April 2007; and more recently at Emmanuel
Baptist when Pastor Robert Murdock will move to Canada in
November. There were new appointments at: The Apostolic Church,
Lisburn when Pastor Jim Vance succeeded Pastor Uel Cheyne in
April 2006; Ballinderry Moravian when Sr Patsy Holdsworth
(Student Minister) succeeded the Rev Eckhard Buchholz in
September 2006; St Patrick's, Lisburn when the Very Rev Dermot
McCaughan succeeded the Very Rev Father Hugh Kennedy in August
2006; St. Peter's Church (The Rock) Stoneyford when the Very Rev
David Delargy succeeded the Very Rev Dermot McCaughan in August
2006; Lambeg Baptist Christian Centre in November 2006 when
Pastor Trevor Lennon succeeded Pastor Jim Murdock who left in
June 2004; Lisburn Baptist Church in January 2007 when Pastor
John Taylor succeeded Pastor Gordon Cardwell who retired in
October 2001; and Dunmurry Free Presbyterian Church in January
2007 when the Rev Dr Fred Greenfield succeeded the Rev William
Beattie who retired in December 2005.
In addition to his already hectic schedule of engagements as
Mayor, he was elected MLA on Wednesday 7th March. After a short
illness, he was well enough to attend the reconvening of the
Northern Ireland Assembly on Tuesday 8th May and complete his
many duties as First Citizen and take up his new appointment as
MLA. Mr Lunn relinquished his mayoral duties this week (Thursday
21st June).