Moira Thom, a parishioner at Christ Church Parish, Lisburn, is
the new President of Connor Mothers' Union in succession to Mrs
Norma Bell, Eglantine Parish.
Moira, 50, and husband Edmund have three children, Louise,
Rachael and Robin. She first became involved in the MU at St
Patrick's Parish, Broughshane more than 20 years ago. 'St
Patrick's is a very friendly church and I was invited to come to
the MU. Robin was just a baby and it was a great way to get to
know people.' The family later moved to Ballymena, and then to
Lisburn, where they joined the parish of Lisburn Cathedral.
Moira led the Cathedral branch of MU for five years in the mid
1990s. Despite family commitments, Moira always found time for
the MU. 'If it is worth doing, you will find the time to do it,
and once you are aware of the great work the MU is doing then it
all becomes worthwhile. It is not just a meeting in a church,
although that's important. What we do in changing people's lives
is what makes it worthwhile,' she said, 'People still say they
don't see the relevance of MU. How can I as a woman fortunate to
be born into an affluent society turn my back on someone who is
just like me but born in a poor community in Africa and not do
something to help them'' During her time at Lisburn Cathedral, a
direct link was formed with an MU branch in Kenya, and Moira met
the Bishop of the Diocese, and representatives from the MU
there. She moved to Christ Church Parish, Lisburn, four years
ago, having been branch young members rep, branch enterprises
rep, area MU chairperson for Lisburn and action and outreach
co-ordinator for the diocese. Moira said she is looking forward
to her new role. 'I am quite excited and slightly scared,' she
said - 'It is a huge honour'.
She said members should be encouraged to talk about the work the
MU does. 'There is nothing wrong with being tea makers,
hospitality is very important, but there's more to us, we are on
the world stage and are the second biggest charity in Africa
after Christian Aid.' Moira said the job would be demanding but
worthwhile. 'When I speak at branch meetings I love to come away
thinking I have left people proud to be a member. You can see it
in them. When you finish they are sitting with their shoulders
back saying 'isn't this a great organisation to be part of,''
she said.