The morning service on BBC Radio Ulster on Sunday 25th March at
10.15 am will be from Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian Church. The
theme of the service will be "Freedom in Christ".
The preacher, Rev Robert McCollum, (minister of the
congregation) will be making reference to the 200th anniversary
of the 'Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill' which was made law by
Act of Parliament on 25th March 1807. This Bill was the result
of many years of work by a group of evangelical Christians
spearheaded by MP for Hull, William Wilberforce's anti-slavery
campaign. In this campaign he was ably supported by Church of
England minister and former slave trader John Newton. In fact a
film, 'Amazing Grace', commemorating this significant
anniversary, is being released on Friday 23rd March.
Mr McCollum commenting recently said, 'Wilberforce was motivated
by his evangelical faith. His campaigning work was not
restricted to the issue of slavery. He was heavily involved in
Bible distribution, evangelism and campaigned to protect
Gospel freedom. He also helped set up schools for the poor and
established dozens of Christian organisations.'