Pictured at the 'Music in May'
concert in Hillsborough Parish Church last Friday
evening (25th May) are (front row) Soprano soloists
- Anne McCleary (left) and Nicola Prentice (right)
and musicians from Hunterhouse College - Lyndsey
Mullarchey (flute), Hayley Bowes (violin), Ka Man
Tang (cello) and Rosamund Scott (oboe). (back row)
Colin Darling - tenor soloist and Phillip Elliott -
organist and choirmaster.
Hillsborough Parish Church Choir - with Phillip Elliott on organ
and musicians from Hunterhouse College - presented 'Music in
May', a concert of choral, organ and instrumental music, in
Hillsborough Parish Church last Friday evening (25th May).
The choir sang a variety of sacred and secular works, including
two movements from Vivaldi's Gloria, Mendelssohn's O, for the
wings of a dove, and You raise me up by Josh Groban. Members of
the Junior Choir sang Any dream will do and Phillip Elliott
performed three organ solos, including The Great Fantasia and
Fugue in G Minor by J. S. Bach. The four instrumentalists from
Hunterhouse College were Lyndsey Mullarchey (flute), Hayley
Bowes (violin), Ka Man Tang (cello) and Rosamund Scott (oboe),
and their pieces included Chansonette and In Ireland, both by
Hamilton Harty.
After a most enjoyable evening of entertainment, refreshments
were served in the Downshire Centre. Proceeds from the concert
will be shared between Tearfund and the Choir Fund for the
purchase of music.