Lisburn Missionary
Naomi Keefe pictured at the evening
service in Sloan Street Presbyterian
Church on Sunday 2nd September with her
father and members of Sloan Street
Missionary Committee. L to R: (seated)
The Rev John Keefe and Naomi Keefe.
(back row) Dr Brian Craig, Sharon
Crieghton and Nelson Small.
Lisburn missionary, Naomi Keefe, daughter of the Rev John Keefe,
was the guest speaker at the evening service in Sloan Street
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 2nd September. Naomi, who last
left Lisburn in April 2005, has been working for the past 2'
years as a missionary in Recife (Brazil). After a well-earned
break home, she returned to Brazil on Monday afternoon 3rd
September to continue her work among the rubbish tip community.
Naomi based her address on John 15 v 5, 'I am the vine; you are
the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear
much fruit.' Explaining that the branch of a tree will only
produce fruit if it is connected to the tree, she emphasised the
importance of the branches (Christians) being connected to the
tree (Jesus) and producing fruit (the spirit of love, joy and
peace). Giving an interesting slide presentation of her
missionary work she showed some of the people and families (the
branches) that she ministers to in Brazil. Naomi concluded by
praying that they will become connected to the tree (Jesus) and
as Christians, live in Jesus and bear much fruit.