Ministers of the British
Province including Moravian Bishop the Rt
Rev John McOwat, pictured at the Service of
Ordination in Kilwarlin Moravian Church on
Friday 19th October with L to R: Rev Patsy
Holdsworth, Rev Paul Holdsworth and Rev Jan
Mullin (third from right).
The Rev Patricia Ann (Patsy) Holdsworth was ordained as Deacon
by the Rt Rev John McOwat, Moravian Bishop of the British
Province, at a Service of Ordination in Kilwarlin Moravian
Church on Friday 19th October. Sr Holdsworth succeeds her
husband, the Rev Paul Holdsworth, who has been called to serve
the Cliftonville and University Road Moravian Churches in
The Ballinderry/Kilwarlin unit was separated in 1971 due to a
reduction of ministers in the Irish District; Ballinderry was
linked with Cliftonville on the Oldpark Road, Belfast, and
Kilwarlin with University Road, Belfast. After a number of
changes over the 36 years, the congregations have again been
linked and in addition to her appointment as the new minister at
Kilwarlin, Sr Holdsworth will also continue her ministry at
Sr Esther Law presided at the organ and led the praise which
included 'The Doxology for the Ordination of a Moravian Deacon',
'All my hope on God is founded' (chosen by Sr Holdsworth), '
Lord, you give the great commission' and the recessional hymn
was 'Walk, walk, walk in the light'. The reader was the Rev Paul
Holdsworth and during the service 'The liturgy for the
Ordination of a Moravian Deacon' was used.
In her address, the Rev Jan Mullin (Gracehill), Patsy's
supervising minister at Ballinderry reminded Patsy that a year
ago at her Service of Introduction at Ballinderry she said,
'Surrounded by the warmth and fellowship of this congregation I
look forward to seeing you grow in your ministry as you confirm
your calling and serve the people of God in the way God has
chosen for you'. Sr Mullin went on to say that it has been a
pleasure to watch Patsy grow in her ministry, and paid tribute
to the Ballinderry congregation for all the love and support
they have given her and looked forward to seeing that doubled
now as she receives the same love and support from her new
charge at Kilwarlin as well.
'Ministry requires you to be all things to all people' Sr Mullin
said and explained that 'Above all, in the bad times as well as
in the good times, there's the knowledge that because God has
given you this calling he will give you the spiritual tools and
strength to fulfil it'. She concluded by saying, 'So, Patsy -
keep the faith - be strong - continue in the work to which God
has called you, the work of leading Christ's people, the work
for which He's empowered you through His spirit'.
Following her ordination, the new minister spoke of her delight
at being appointed as minister of Kilwarlin in succession to her
husband. She went on to speak of the great honour, which has
been placed upon her as she takes on this responsibility, in
addition to her ministry at Ballinderry. In conclusion, Sr
Holdsworth said that she looked forward to working with both
congregations and the challenges this would bring.
Afterwards a delightful supper was served in the church hall
allowing the congregation and friends to congratulate their
newly ordained minister.
The Rev Patsy
Holdsworth pictured with her parents
Neil and Margaret Saville and sisters
Susan Bull and Hilary Yanew (right). The
photo was taken at her service of
ordination in Kilwarlin Moravian Church
on Friday 19th October.
About the Rev Patsy Holdsworth
Patsy is the youngest daughter of Neil and Margaret Saville from
Dewsbury, Yorkshire. Her parents and sisters Hilary Yaniw and
Susan Bull live in England. The family attend Wellhouse
Moravian Church. After her early education at Whitcliff Mount
Secondary School, Patsy attended Liverpool Polytechnic where she
studied art and textiles and later attended Middlesex University where she
obtained a degree in theology. She married Paul in August 1995
and the couple moved to Northern Ireland in October 2004 after
Paul received and accepted a call to serve Kilwarlin and
University Road Churches. At the same time Patsy took up her
duties as a Lay Preacher in the Irish District. At a Service of
Introduction in September 2006 she was welcomed as Student
Minister at Ballinderry Moravian Church in succession to the Rev Eckhard Buchholz, who retired in June 2006. Pasty successfully
completed her training for the ministry at Ballinderry under the
supervision of the Rev Jan Mullin, Minister of Gracehill.