L to R: John McClure,
Kenneth Gamble, The Very Rev John Bond -
Dean of Connor, The Most Reverend Alan
Harper - Archdeacon of Armagh, Rev Canon Sam
Wright - Rector of Lisburn Cathedral,
Campbell Dixon, Mark Reid and Barry Forde
The Ordination of five Deacons took place at the Cathedral of
Christ Church, Lisburn on Sunday 24th June they were: Barry
Forde for the Curacy of Coleraine, Campbell Dixon in the
Auxiliary Ministry for the Curacy of Jordanstown, John McClure
in the Auxiliary Ministry for the Curacy of Skerry, Rathcavan
and Newtowncrommelin (Broughshane), Kenneth Gamble in the Auxiliary Ministry for
the Curacy of Ballymacash and Mark Reid in the Auxiliary
Ministry for the Curacy of Glenavy.
The Most Reverend Alan Harper - Archdeacon of Armagh conducted
the Ordination and the The Ven Stephen R McBride - Archdeacon of
Connor, The Ven Stephen Forde - Archdeacon of Dalriada and The
Ven Barry Dodds - Archdeacon of Belfast presented the candidates.
The Very Rev. John Bond, Dean of Connor conducted the service. The readings were by Rev Canon George Irwin, Rev Nigel Baylor and
Deacon Barry Forde; and the preacher was the Rev Canon Sam Wright,
Rector of Lisburn Cathedral. Andrew Skelly on organ and the
church choir led the worship. The hymns included 'Bright the
Vision' and 'To God be the Glory' and the anthem was 'The
Servant King'.
Dixon pictured with his family after being
Ordained in the Auxiliary Ministry for the
Curacy of Jordanstown at a service of Ordination
in Lisburn Cathedral last Sunday evening (24th
June). L to R: James Dixon, Campbell Dixon, Mrs
Jacqui Dixon, Amy Dixon, Rev Brian Dixon and
Robert Dixon
In an inspirational charge to the five new Deacons, Canon Sam
Wright said, 'Barry, Campbell, John, Kenneth and Mark - YOU'RE
HIRED' and emphasised that 'You're hired - to be true' in
proclaiming the Cross and resurrection of Christ in every
circumstance, in season and out of season that you may bring his
light into the darkness, and let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in
heaven. Secondly he said 'You're Hired - to be a Team Player'
and said that at times being part of a team brings agony, but
the end result is so much better than going it alone. A strong
team can achieve much, so be team players. In conclusion Canon
Wright said, 'Barry, Campbell, John, Kenneth and Mark ' YOU'RE
FIRED! - by the Holy Spirit and today you're hired as an
apprentice.' He said that you must listen carefully and learn
from the experience of your rector and those involved in
ministry in your parish. Be teachable and grow in wisdom and
stature and be obedient to God and prepare God's people to
accept the Kingdom and to serve.
Following the service, ladies of the congregation served a
delightful supper in the Cathedral Hall.
L to R: (front) Kenneth Gamble and
Mark Reid. (back row) Barry Forde, John McClure and
Campbell Dixon.
The Rev Canon George Irwin, Rector of
St Mark's, Ballymacash, congratulates Kenneth Gamble
following his Ordination in the Auxiliary Ministry
for the Curacy of Ballynacash.
L to R: (front) Kenneth Gamble and
his wife Hazel and (back row) Karen and Iain Gamble
and Jennifer Middleton.
The Rev John Rutter - Minister of the
Parish of Glenavy, congratulates Mark Reid on his
Ordination in the Auxiliary Ministry for the Curacy
of Glenavy.
The Most Reverend Alan Harper -
Archdeacon of Armagh, John McClure and The Very Rev
John Bond - Dean of Connor (right).
Rev Jim Martin (retired Rector of
Mallusk) congratulates John McClure (right) who was
Ordained in the Auxiliary Ministry for the Curacy of
Skerry, Rathcavan and Newtowncrommelin (Broughshane) at a service of
Ordination. Looking on is the The Most Reverend Alan
Harper - Archdeacon of Armagh.