At the 'Out of The Fire' Festival Opening Service
in Lisburn Cathedral last Thursday evening (25th
October) are L to R: Mr Graeme Clarke (Rector's
Warden), Rev Canon Percival Walker (Precentor), Rev
Ken McGrath (Lisburn Cathedral Vicar), The Very Rev
John Bond (Dean of Connor), Councillor James Tinsley
(Lisburn Mayor), Mrs Margaret Tinsley (Lisburn
Mayoress), Rev Canon Sam Wright (Lisburn Cathedral
Rector), Rev Canon William Bell (Eglantine Parish
Rector) Mr Alan Wyte (Dean's Verger) and Mr John
Humes (People's Warden).
Lisburn Cathedral is hosting a flower festival this week
(Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th October) marking 300 years since
the town was destroyed by fire. The four-day festival 'Out of
the fire' was officially opening by the Mayor of Lisburn,
Councillor James Tinsley during the 'Out of The Fire' Festival
Opening Service on Thursday evening at which the speaker was The
Dean of Connor, The Very Rev John Bond.
On Friday evening, the speaker at the Celebration Service will
be Mrs Margaret Crawford, All Ireland President of Mothers'
Union. At the Thanksgiving Service on Sunday morning the Bishop
of Connor, The Right Rev Alan Abernethy will speak on the theme
of Thanksgiving. A Praise Service on Sunday evening will
conclude the festival; the speaker will be Mr David Gough, CMSI
Mission Partner for Sudan and Egypt.
The floral arrangements, which will be on display each day, were
masterminded by the world-renowned Rev William McMillan with the
help of Ballymacash Flower Club. In addition, Mr McMillan and
his team will present a flower arranging demonstration on
Saturday afternoon in the Cathedral Hall. The many visitors
viewing the magnificent floral displays will be able to enjoy
morning coffee, lunches and afternoon tea, served in the
Cathedral's new Coffee Lounge with its picturesque view of
Castle Gardens.
Funds raised are going to extensive church refurbishment work
and to help the people of Yei diocese in the south of Sudan to
build a new Primary School in Mongo. The people of southern
Sudan are themselves just emerging from the flames of conflict.