Christina Dobson, a member of Legacurry Presbyterian Church,
will leave on Thursday 5th July to spend two weeks in Durban,
South Africa, working with an organisation called Soul Action, a
partnership between Tearfund and Soul Survivor. To help finance
her trip, Christina is holding a carwash in Legacurry
Presbyterian Church car park on Saturday 2nd June from 10.00am
until 3.00pm with a suggested donation of '5 per car.
Christina, who is the only one Northern Irish member on this
trip will team up with five girls from England and together they
will work in Amaoti, the biggest informal settlement in Kwa-Zulu
natal situated on the border of Phoenix. With some 14000
residents, many street children come from this area, creating
many dilemmas for the Durban municipality. These projects,
orphan programmes, feeding initiatives, education and schooling
ideas, vegetable gardens etc., will initially be based in Durban,
working in the deprived townships and regions of the city in the
build up to SOUL IN THE CITY DURBAN. It is these projects that she
will be partnering with. Resourced by prayer, finances, people
and all manner of tools, ideas and materials, Soul Action Teams
will be going out to these projects on a regular basis, learning
from, building relationships with, and being changed by the
people and communities involved in them.
Please come and support Christina in her Car Wash fundraising
venture on Saturday 2nd June at Legacurry Presbyterian Church,
which is located at the Comber / Ballynahinch Road crossroads,
about three miles from Lisburn.