Pastor Nick Serb
Members of the Serb family pictured at an Induction
Service in Mount Zion Free Methodist Church on
Friday 9th February.
L to R: Pastor Nicolae Serb (senior), Aurelia Serb,
Michele Darragh, Pastor Nick Serb, Delia Ferguson
and Mark Ferguson.
Pastor Nick Serb, a native of Romania, was inducted as the new
minister of Mount Zion Free Methodist Church at a Welcome and
Induction Service on Friday 9th February. The previous minister,
the Rev Joe Woods, left Mount Zion in 2004 and since then, the
Overseer has been the Rev Wesley Lindsay. The Right Worshipful
the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn, the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen
Lunn and the Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson were special
guests at the service.
The chairman, the Rev Wesley Lindsay, conducted the service. The
Rev Philip Utley (Faith Mission) led the opening prayer and Ruth
Connolly read a poem she wrote for the occasion entitled 'The
pastor and the shepherd'. The Rev Jack Richardson - Senior
Minister of Hillhall Presbyterian Church, welcomed Mr Serb on
behalf of the local ministers and churches saying that he hoped
that Mr Serb's ministry will be rich in blessing, not just in
Gregg Street but throughout the City of Lisburn and beyond,
concluding that 'All the glory will go to the Lord Jesus'.
The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn welcomed Pastor Serb on
behalf of Lisburn City Council. Explaining that the installation
of a new minister is a happy occasion, he said that it was
lovely to share with the congregation of Mount Zion in welcoming
their new pastor and wished him a long and successful tenure and
also wished both him and the congregation God's blessing and
success in the future. The Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson
echoed what the Mayor had said and prayed that God would do
great things here in Mount Zion. Explaining that Lisburn was
wide open for revival, he said that it could start here at Mount
Zion and that this could be the spark of the Holy Spirit to
start a revival.
Pastor Nicolae Serb (senior) spoke of his celebration as a
parent, saying that it was a special night for his family from
Romania. He thanked the congregation for the welcome he had
received and said that while he will return to Romania, Nick
will remain here as a blessing for you all.
Mrs Ruth Lamki, a member of the Pastor's Cabinet, said that
Pastor Serbs's acceptance of the call was an 'answer to prayer'
and continued by saying that it was 'wonderful to have him and
hoped that he would enjoy his stay with us'.
Ronnie Nesbitt, Church Secretary, welcomed the large
congregation and visitors including two former pastors, the new
pastor's parents - Pastor Nicolae Serb (senior) and his wife
Aurelia (from Romania) and gave a special welcome to his
distinguished guests, the Mayor, Mayoress and the local MP. In
formally welcoming Pastor Nick Serb, Ronnie explained that in
the 40 years since the church was formed, there have been 5
pastors and 4 supply pastors so ' Pastor Serb was the 10th
pastor at Mount Zion. Ronnie also said that over the years, 20
members of the congregation had gone into full time ministry.
Members of the Pastor's Cabinet
pictured at an Induction Service in Mount Zion Free
Methodist Church on Friday 9th February. L to R:
Norman Wright, Irene Cummings, Pastor Nick Serb,
Ruth Lamki and Ronnie Nesbitt.
Pictured at an Induction Service in
Mount Zion Free Methodist Church on Friday 9th
February are L to R: (front row) Rev Alan Ellershaw,
the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn, the Mayoress -
Mrs Laureen Lunn, Aurelia Serb, Pastor Nick Serb,
Pastor Nicolae Serb (senior), Lagan Valley MP
Jeffrey Donaldson and Rev Jack Richardson. (back
row) Rev Philip Utley, Norman Wright, Ronnie
Nesbitt, Irene Cummings, Ruth Lamki, Joanne
Watterson, Delia Ferguson and Mark Ferguson.
The new pastor gave a short testimony explaining how as a
young boy he wished to become a missionary. He spoke about how
he gave his life to Jesus and also about the time at just 17
years of age, that his father asked him to preach. He recalled
his time at Belfast Bible College and his return to Romania in
2001 when he joined his father in his church-planting ministry.
He also spoke of his time at Military School and how after
obtaining a Degree in Psychology, he felt the calling to go back
to Lisburn. Nick concluded by saying that he prayed that God
would make him small so that the people of Lisburn would not see
him - but that they would see God.
The Rev Alan Ellershaw, UK Superintendent of the Free Methodist
Church, conducted the act of induction assisted by the Rev
Wesley Lindsay and Rev Jeremy Forsythe. In his address, based on
Galatians 4, Mr Ellershaw explained that a pastor should watch,
protect, support, demonstrate love for them, agonise with them
and show concern for the congregation so that they would become
like Jesus. He also explained that the congregation should
relate to the pastor and asked that they would welcome, respect
and assist him so that they would see Christ formed in this
congregation and that his ministry will mark the beginning of a
new day and that they would see Jesus speak through their new
Joanne Watterson on electric piano led the praise, the hymns
were 'All I once held dear' and 'All to Jesus I surrender'. Mark
Ferguson (the new pastor's brother-in-law) sang a solo.
Following the Induction Service, a delightful supper was served
in the church hall.
The new pastor
Pastor Nicolae Serb (Nick) was born on 12th December 1980, the
third child in a family of seven children. After leaving high
school in Romania (1999), he attended Belfast Bible College
during 1999-2001 where he obtained a Diploma in Biblical Studies
and Church Mission. In 2000, he obtained a first certificate in
English at Cambridge University and in 2001 he obtained Advanced
Certificate in English. Nick returned to Romania in 2001, where
he joined his father in his church-planting ministry and also
began to teach English in public secondary school. From
2001-2006, he was employed by the Romanian Ministry of Defence
and during this time he obtained qualifications and certificates
in English, teaching and computers. In 2006 he obtained a Degree
in Psychology, specialising in Social Psychology (family and
domestic violence) from the University of Lucian Blaga, Sibiu,
Romania. This qualification allowed him to complete his vision
to be a counsellor and missionary pastor. For four years, he was
head of the language department in the Military School and in
2006 he was offered promotion to the rank of Lieutenant. Nick
turned this position down as he felt the calling to go back to