Farewell Service for Pastor Robert Murdock and his family was
held in Wallace High School on Friday 30th November. Pastor
Murdock, who was installed in Emmanuel Baptist Church,
Ballymacash on 8th June 1996 has accepted a call to serve in
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Vernon, British Columbia, Canada. The
family plan to leave Lisburn at the end of the year
(circumstances permitting) with a view to Robert taking up his
post on 1st January 2008.
Alistair Quigley, former assistant minister at Emmanuel, led the
service and David Martin, Church Secretary, welcomed the large
congregation and visitors and gave a special welcome to guests
including Pastor John Shearer, formerly Pastor of Hill Street
Baptist Church, Ballymena, now Pastor of Musselburgh Baptist
Church, Scotland.
Roy West, a Church Elder, recalled the beginnings of Emmanuel
Baptist Church in 1989 and how since then, the church has grown
from 30 to 110 members with an average attendance of 250. He
went on to say that just as the congregation grew, so too did
Pastor Murdock's family. He recalled the many good times under
Pastor Murdock's ministry especially the radio broadcasts and
successful gospel missions. Giving thanks to Pastor Murdock's
pastoral and outreach work, Roy concluded by saying 'We're glad
we called you, and thanks for coming'. Roy and his wife Lila
then presented gifts to Robert, his wife Elaine and their
children Katherine (10), Jayne (9), Adam (6), Grace (5) and
Caleb (3).
Emmanuel Baptist Church Choir pictured at the
Farewell Service in Wallace High School on Friday
30th November.
L to R: (seated) Dr Hamilton Moore (Principal of the
Irish Baptist College), Pastor Robert Murdock and
Pastor William Colville (Director of the Association
of Baptist Churches). (back row) Alistair Quigley
(Elder), Pastor John Shearer (Musselburgh Baptist
Church, Scotland), David Martin (Church Secretary)
and Roy West (Elder).
In an emotional response, Pastor Murdock spoke of his decision
to accept God's call to Canada as 'Heart-wrenching' and recalled
how during his ministry, the main things were the plain things
and the plain things were the main things. He went on to say
that his successor will come to a 'Happy Church' and concluded
by speaking of his regret at leaving Emmanuel Baptist, a church
he 'loved dearly'.
Emmanuel Baptist Praise Group led the worship and the Church
Choir accompanied by Paula Coulter and conducted by Suzanne
Walker sang several items of praise. The soloist was Julie
Larmour. Also taking part in the service were Dr Hamilton Moore
(Principal of the Irish Baptist College), Pastor William
Colville (Director of the Association of Baptist Churches) and
Pastor John Shearer (Musselburgh Baptist Church, Scotland).
Supper was served afterwards allowing the congregation and
visitors to say farewell to their Pastor who has given 11 and a
half years of faithful service.