Pictured at the Global Day of Prayer Pentecost
Picnic in Wallace Park on Sunday afternoon 27th May
are L to R: Rev John Brackenridge, Rev Brian
Anderson, Rev Canon Sam Wright Councillor
Trevor Lunn - Mayor, Mrs Laureen Lunn - Mayoress,
Father Dermot McCaughan, Rev Brian Gibson, Rev Paul
Dundas, Pastor George Hilary, Rev Jim Vance and Mrs
Margaret Vance. (back row) Jeanette McKnight,
Niall Hilary, Alistair Vance, James Toal, Robert
Williams and Peter Galloway.
Lisburn Parish Priest - Father Dermot McCaughan
is pictured with the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn
and Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn at the Global Day of
Prayer event in Wallace Park.
Ministers and members of many of
Lisburn's churches came together for a 'Pentecost Picnic and
Prayer' in Wallace Park on Sunday afternoon 27th
May. This was just one of such events held across Northern
Ireland and many more world-wide as part of the 'Global Day
of Prayer' initiative.
After enjoying the fun and fellowship
of a picnic there was music and a presentation geared for
children. Lisburn Mayor, Councillor Trevor Lunn welcomed
the participants after which everyone joined together in
prayers for our nation and world led by the Rev John
Brackenridge - First
Lisburn, Pastor George Hilary - Lisburn Christian
Fellowship, Rev Canon Sam Wright - Lisburn Cathedral, Rev
Brian Gibson - Railway Street, Father Dermot McCaughan - St
Patrick's, Rev Paul Dundas - Christ Church, Rev Brian Anderson - Seymour Street
Methodist and Mrs Marilyn McKee. Each of the prayers of
worship; thanksgiving; for the nations; against evil; needy
people in our world and finishing with prayers of worship
and praise were followed by a suitable interpretation or
response. Alistair Vance and the
Pentecost Band led the worship and Karen Webb and Captain
John O'Neill (Church Army) organised the children's
Pictured enjoying the Global Day of Prayer
event in Wallace Park, Lisburn on Sunday
afternoon are Hubert and Isobel Patterson,
Annesley Anderson, Margaret Coulter and Betty
Colin Patterson with Claire Maze, Megan
Gillespie, Michaela Johnston and Katie Bates.
Janie Humphries and friends.
Fiona Humphries and her basset hound.
Alistair Vance and the Pentecost Band leading
the worship.
Lisburn Christian Fellowship Choir on stage.