Elliott, who became Organist and Choirmaster of the Parish
Church of St Malachy, Hillsborough in August 1999, left at the
end of December at the same time as former Dean of Down, the
Very Rev John Dinnen who retired from active ministry after 23
years service as Rector of Hillsborough.
Phillip Elliott is a Music graduate of Oxford University (Organ
Scholar, Hertford College), a Fellow of the Royal College of
Organists and Organ Tutor for the Armagh Church Choir Union.
Since September 2001, he has been Head of Music at Hunterhouse
College, Belfast. Phillip and his family are moving to
Ballydougan (near Gilford) and from January they will be
worshipping at Newmills Presbyterian Church.
At a Watchnight Service on New Years Eve, the Parish Church of
St Malachy resounded as Phillip presided at the three-manual
Snetzler organ displaying his musical talents for the last time
at Hillsborough as he brought in the New Year playing the
chorale prelude, ?In dir ist Freude? (In thee is gladness), by J
S Bach.