Vocalists Lila Kwarcinska and Asia Cackowska
accompanied by the talented praise band lead the
lively worship at the special service on Sunday 21st
October marking the first anniversary of Lisburn's
Polish Mission Church.
Szczepan (Stephan) Cackowski Leader
At the special service on Sunday 21st October
marking the first anniversary of Lisburn's Polish
Mission Church are L to R. (back row) Przemek Feliga,
Szczepan Cackowski, Mariusz Borek, Slawek Cichy and
Lukasz Nowicki. (front) Monika Borek, Kamila
Cackowska, Kasia Cichy and Kamila Nowicka.
An exciting Anniversary Celebration Service in the Kingdom Life
City Church (Graham Gardens, Lisburn) marked the first
anniversary of Lisburn's Polish Mission Church on Sunday 21st
October. Szczepan (Stephan) Cackowski and Slawek Cichy led the
service. Vocalists Lila Kwarcinska and Asia Cackowska
accompanied by a band of talented musicians led the lively
praise that included 'How great is our God' and 'I will worship
with all of my heart'. During the service Szczepan Cackowski and
Kamila Nowicka conducted interviews with Przemek Feliga, Lukasz
Nowicki, Artur Swiecikowski, Elizabeth Gilpin, Brian Agnew and
Mariusz Borek allowing them to recall a year in the life of this
thriving new city centre church.
A PowerPoint presentation showed video footage of the fun and
fellowship enjoyed during the inaugural year and also
demonstrated how the church is effectively reaching out into the
local community. The church was filled for the occasion and
prior to the formal part of the service the large crowd enjoyed
a taste of Poland as they tucked into a delicious selection of
Polish food and mouth-watering desserts.
In an emotional closing prayer, Brian Agnew asked that awesome
things would happen in the Polish Mission Church. He went on to
say that Poland was not losing its people - Poland is sowing
God's seed among the Polish people here in Lisburn and
fulfilling His will and destiny. He gave thanks for God's
handiwork in the Kingdom Life City Church and spoke of how
united in Christ with the Polish Mission Church they are
stretching their hearts and reaching out to the community.
Founder members L to R. (back row) Mervyn and
Elizabeth Gilpin and Brian and Mary Agnew (Kingdom
Life). (front row) Przemek Feliga, Lukasz Nowicki,
Szczepan Cackowski and Mariusz Borek.
At the special service on Sunday 21st October
marking the first anniversary of Lisburn's Polish
Mission Church are L to R: (back row) Lukasz and
Kamila Nowiccy, Przemek Feliga and Monika Borek,
Szczepan and Kamila Cackowscy, Brian and Mary Agnew
(Kingdom Life) and Mariusz Borek. Front row: Marcin
Cichy (left) and Marcin and Ewa Szlachta and their
children Piotrek and Magda and Slawek and Kasia
Cichy and their children Oliwia and Paulina (seated
on the settee).
Szczepan Cackowski welcomes the large congregation, friends and
visitors to the special service on Sunday 21st
October marking the first anniversary of Lisburn's
Polish Mission Church.
Kamila Nowicka conducts interviews with L to R:
Przemek Feliga, Lukasz Nowicki, Artur Swiecikowski,
Elizabeth Gilpin, Brian Agnew and Mariusz Borek at
the special service on Sunday evening (21st October)
marking the first anniversary of Lisburn's Polish
Mission Church.
Members of the congregation and visitors tuck
into the delicious selection of Polish food and
mouth-watering desserts at the special service on
Sunday evening (21st October) marking the first
anniversary of Lisburn's Polish Mission Church.
Brief history of the Polish Mission Church, Lisburn
The Polish Mission Church was formed in April 2006 out of a
house group that met in the home of Szczepan Cackowski (Richill,
Co Armagh). Shortly before coming to Northern Ireland, Szczepan
met Hillsborough couple Mervyn and Elizabeth Gilpin at a church
service in York, England. Mervyn and Elizabeth took a personal
interest in Szczepan and his friends Przemek Feliga, Lukasz Nowicki and Mariusz Borek and even travelled to Poland to attend
Szczepan and Kamila's wedding in June last year.
Impressed with the caring and sharing attitude of these
enthusiastic young people (some of whom were trained youth
leaders) Mervyn and Elizabeth clearly saw God's greater plan for
them. Realising that they wanted to share their faith with other
Polish people and also realising that many Polish people were
coming to Northern Ireland to work, they felt that God would
want them to start a church. With increased numbers attending
their house group, Szczepan rang the Gilpins in June 2006
saying, 'we're ready to start a church, can you find us a
suitable building'' Elizabeth contacted Brian and Mary Agnew
(leaders of the Kingdom Life Faith Centre, Lisburn) asking if
they could rent part of the building and this was kindly
The first service was held on Sunday 3rd September 2006 and this
recently refurbished building with its modern lighting and
audio-visual equipment has proved to be an excellent neutral
venue for the lively non-denominational meetings. Under the
leadership of Szczepan (Stephan) Cackowski about 30-40 people
attend the meetings on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at
7.00pm. Additionally there are youth, family, missions, sports
and worship cells meeting during the week. Since many of the
church members speak good English, the Sunday services are
translated every time people from the Irish community come to
Local employers with Polish employees are asked to pass on
information about the Polish Mission Church in Lisburn and to
assure their Polish staff that they will be made most welcome at
these meetings. For more information contact Szczepan Cackowski
on Telephone No: 07940 709241.