The Rev Dr John Nelson gave an interesting lecture to the
Presbyterian Historical Society in the First Presbyterian Church
(Non-subscribing) Dunmurry on Thursday 15th February. The
subject was 'The Parting of the Ways' and dealt with the
Non-Subscription controversy of Irish Presbyterianism in the
late 1820s and its affect on ministers and local congregations,
where divisions became more or less problematic. Rev Dr David
Steers, minister of Downpatrick, Balee and Clough, chaired the
evening and Brian Shaw presided at the organ. Refreshments were
served in the church hall after the meeting.
Rev Dr John Nelson and the Very Rev William
McMillan pictured in the pulpit of the First
Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing)
Dunmurry, which was once occupied by Rev
Dr Henry Montgomery, leader of the Irish
Remonstrants. The photo was taken at a
meeting of the Presbyterian Historical
Society on Thursday 15th February.

Pictured at a meeting of the
Presbyterian Historical Society in the First
Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry
on Thursday 15th February are L to R: Rev Dr
David Steers, Robert McFarland (Elder), Very Rev
William McMillan, Rev Dr John Nelson, The Very
Rev Dr Gordon Brown, Brian Shaw (Organist) and
John Harson (Elder).