At a special mass for the Feast of the Chair of St Peter on
Thursday 22nd February in St Peter's Cathedral, Belfast, former
Lisburn Parish Priest, the Very Rev Canon Sean Rogan PP VF was
installed as Canon of the Cathedral Chapter.
In August 2005, Fr Rogan left Lisburn and is now Parish Priest
of Downpatrick with pastoral oversight of St Patrick's -
Downpatrick, St Malachy's - Ballykilbeg, St Brigid's -
Rathkeltair and St Colmcille's - Ballyvange. Fr Rogan was
succeeded at Lisburn by the Very Rev Hugh Kennedy, PP. Fr
Kennedy, who was Parish Priest of Lisburn for just 12 months,
was appointed Administrator of St Peter's Cathedral, Belfast and
was succeeded by the present Parish Priest, the Very Rev Dermot
McCaughan in August 2006.