PWA members Margaret Rooney
(Vice President), Inez Price, Vera McQuoid and
Elizabeth Watt pictured at the PWA window, one
of the many splendid floral decorations at the
Harvest Thanksgiving Service in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 14th October.
First Lisburn branch of the Presbyterian Women's Association
service will hold their annual PWA service in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church next Sunday (4th November) at 11.00am. Miss
Evelyn Whyte, First Lisburn Deaconess, will lead the service and
the speaker will be Amanda Cooper, Deaconess of New Road
Presbyterian Church, Coleraine. Ladies from the First Lisburn
branch of the PWA will also take part.
Joining with the PWA and members of First Lisburn congregation
in a spirit of faith and friendship will be a Clonard mission
team comprising of Fr. John Hanna and Fr. Brendan Mulhall, who
will be accompanied by members of St Patrick's.