L to R (seated): Jacquie
Brackenridge, Keith Lunn, Matt Craig - Youth
Director, Jill Craig, Jonny McGeown and
leaders are pictured against an Egyptian
back drop at the afternoon Holiday Bible
Club 'Pyramid Rock' in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church this week.
Holiday Bible Clubs for children of primary school age
and young people of secondary school age were held in First
Lisburn Presbyterian Church this week (Monday 13th - Friday
17th August). The fun packed afternoon programme called
'Pyramid Rock', which allowed children of primary school to
get a taste of Egypt as they followed the story of Joseph,
also included - Bible stories, singing, games, crafts and
lots more. At the evening programme 'Escape' teenagers
enjoyed an adrenalin-filled programme which included live
music, sketches, games and interactive entertainment in what
proved to be a not to miss youth event.