Pictured at the Harvest Thanksgiving
Service in Quilly Orange Hall last Sunday afternoon
are Christine Ward (seated at organ) and L to R:
Wilson Beggs - Worshipful Master, Eric Jess -
Chaplain and Worshipful District Master, Will Lough
- Past District Master, Freda Mulligan, Ruth
McCauley and Richard Fleming.
Wilson Beggs - Worshipful Master of
Quilly LOL 442 presents the Harvest Offering (cheque
for £180) to Mrs Freda Mulligan in support of her
daughter Ruth's work in North West Africa. Looking
on are L to R: Eric Jess - Chaplain and Worshipful
District Master, Will Lough - Past District Master
and Alan Roulston - Treasurer. The picture was taken
at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in Quilly Orange
Hall last Sunday afternoon.
A Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in Quilly Orange Hall
last Sunday afternoon (7th October). The speaker was Mr Richard
Fleming, an elder of Donacloney Presbyterian Church and Grand
Secretary of Co Down. Christine Ward and Ruth McCauley, members
of Dromore Free Presbyterian Church, sang two items of praise.
Christine also presided at the organ leading the praise of
well-known harvest thanksgiving hymns that included, 'Now thank
we all our God', 'Come, ye thankful people come' and 'We plough
the fields and scatter'.
Basing his address on John 15, Richard spoke of God's
faithfulness to us in providing both our physical and Spiritual
needs. Warning of the final separation he asked, 'Where are you
in the Spiritual harvest of God'' explaining that it is not God's will that any should perish. Richard emphasised that God
will not reject anyone who comes to Him. Quoting the words 'all
is safely gathered in' from a well-known harvest hymn sang
earlier, he concluded by asking the question, 'Will you be
safely gathered in''
The offering of £180 was presented to Mrs Freda Mulligan, wife
of the late Bro. Bert Mulligan, a past master of Quilly LOL 442,
in support of her daughter Ruth's work in North West Africa.