John Robinson pictured with
some of his award-winning dahlias that were used
in many of the floral decorations at Railway
Street Harvest Thanksgiving Services last Sunday
(14th October). Looking on are Elma Lindsay who
co-ordinated the displays and the minister, the
Rev Brian Gibson.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in Railway Street
Presbyterian Church last Sunday (14th October). The minister,
the Rev Brian Gibson led the service. The church choir
accompanied by Janet Ferguson on cello and Bertha Cowan on piano
led the worship of harvest thanksgiving hymns, which included
'We plough the fields and scatter' and 'Lord, for the years'.
The Scripture readings were Genesis 1: 26-34 - 'And it was good'
and Matthew 24: 3-8 - 'Time to reap'.
Janet and Bertha played 'Bach's Air on a G string' during a
PowerPoint presentation of photographs by Don Mitchell (a member
of the congregation) showing local scenes reminding us of the
beauty of creation and allowing time for quiet reflection on
God's wonderful provisions. Also shown, was a PowerPoint
presentation of Tearfund's new ten-year vision 'Be part of a
miracle' to see 50 million people released from material and
spiritual poverty through a worldwide network of 100,000
In his address, Mr Gibson spoke of the impact that our lifestyle
is having on global warming and of how we can respond to this as
Christians. He went on to speak of a time when God will bring
human suffering to an end and will re-create the world we have
destroyed. Referring to the 'Human Harvest' when those in Christ
will share in His renewed universe, he concluded by asking the
question - 'Are we ready''
Mr Gibson thanked Elma Lindsay and her team of willing helpers
who decorated the church hall so tastefully, the
instrumentalists and choir and all who helped with the services.
At the evening service, the Mr Gibson and Janet Ferguson
(Director of Music) led an evening of harvest praise and