Stephen Timpany (third from left at front)
pictured with the Junior Girls' Choir, Senior
Church Choir, church staff, sexton,
churchwardens and special guests at the Service
of Dedication in Holy Trinity, Banbridge last
Sunday morning (25th November).
The Seapatrick Parish Church of Holy Trinity, Banbridge
resounded to the sound of a newly refurbished organ, which was
dedicated at morning worship in this beautiful historic building
last Sunday morning (25th November). The church, which was built
in 1837, was altered to its present shape in 1883. In welcoming
visitors and guests to the special service, the Rector, Ven John
Scott spoke of the dedication of the organ as another important
milestone in the history of the congregation. He recalled the
recent 170th anniversary of the concentration of the church
celebrated on Wednesday 7th November 2007 saying that the
historic service today also celebrated Seapatrick Parish as a
Centre of Excellence for everything good about traditional
Anglican worship. He went on to say that over the years the
Parish has been blessed by successive excellent organists and
choirs and not least the present organist, Mr Stephen Timpany MA

Organist Stephen Timpany
pictured at the newly refurbished organ in Holy
Trinity, Banbridge, which was dedicated last
Sunday morning (25th November). Included in the
photo are L to R: Mr Trevor Anderson (Verger),
Mr Herbie Barr (Rector's Churchwarden), Ven John
Scott (Rector), Captain Geoffrey Walmsley
(Church Army Officer), the Rt Rev Harold Miller
(Bishop of Down & Dromore), Mr Raymond Reid
(People's Churchwarden) and the Rev Adrienne
Galligan (Curate).
The Church of Ireland Bishop of the Diocese of Down & Dromore,
the Rt Rev Harold Miller dedicated the organ to the Glory of God
saying that he hoped the music would lift our hearts into the
heavenly places as we worship God here in this place.
In an organ recital following the dedication, Stephen Timpany
played Canon in D (Pachabel), The 'Gig' Fugue (J S Bach) and
Grand Choeur Dialogue (Gigout). He also provided the musical
accompaniment for the Junior Girls' Choir as they sang 'Glory to
God' and the full choir as they sang the anthem 'We praise thee
O God'. The congregational hymns of praise and thanksgiving
included 'Praise my soul the King of heaven' and 'O praise ye
the Lord'.
In his sermon, the Bishop (who is also an organist) spoke of
Stephen's choice of music for the organ recitals as soothing,
joyful and also triumphal and regal. Keeping on a musical theme
he spoke of favourite hymns and quoting words from well-known
hymns he emphasised the importance of seeing the aspects of King
and Shepherd coming together in our lives. He concluded by
reminding the congregation of the Gospel of the peace of Christ
obtained for us when He was crucified on the cross.
Also taking part in the service were the Rev Adrienne Galligan
(Curate) and Captain Geoffrey Walmsley (Church Army Officer).