At the Royal British Legion (Lisburn
Branch) Remembrance Day Service in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church are L to R: Mr Perry Reid - Clerk of
Session, Brigadier George Norton - Commander 38 (Irish)
Brigade, The Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor
James Tinsley, Mr Norman Davidson - Chief Executive
Lisburn City Council and the minister, the Rev John
The Royal British Legion, Lisburn Branch Remembrance Day Service
was held in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church.
The minister, the
Rev John Brackenridge conducted the service and gave the
address. In his call to worship Mr Brackenridge welcomed the
large congregation and gave a special welcome to the members of
the Lisburn Branch of the Royal British Legion, The Right
Worshipful the Mayor, The G.O.C's Northern Ireland
Representative and Aldermen and Councillors of Lisburn City
First Lisburn Church Choir accompanied by the organist, Tom
Whyte, sang the anthem: 'They shall grow not old'. The
congregational hymns included 'All people that on earth do
dwell' and 'O God our help in ages past'. Maurice Leathem read
the Old Testament Lesson and New Testament Lesson was read by
The Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA.
The act of remembrance, which was spoken by the minister and
Emma Canning, was followed by the laying of wreaths on behalf of
the congregation. The service concluded with the blessing
followed by the National Anthem.
For pictures taken at the Royal British Legion (Lisburn Branch)
Remembrance Day Parade 2007 (including some photos at Seymour
Hill) click on:
Rememberance Day Parade