Pictured at a special service in
Hillsborough Free Presbyterian Church last Tuesday (30th
October) marking the retirement of the Rev Dr Stanley Barnes
after 35 years of exemplary ministry are L to R: (seated) Mr
David Williamson MBE (Clerk of Session), Mrs Emilene
Williamson, Rev Dr Stanley Barnes, Mrs Ina Barnes, Rt Hon Dr
Ian Paisley MP and Baroness Eileen Paisley. (back row) The
Mayor - Councillor James Tinsley, The Mayoress - Mrs
Margaret Tinsley, Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA, Rev Dr
John Douglas, Rev Alan Smylie , Rev Dr David McIlveen, Rev
Ron Johnstone (Deputy Moderator), Rev Dr William McCrea MP
MLA, Rev John Morrow and Pastor Eugene Groza (Romania).
After a long and effective ministry at Hillsborough Free
Presbyterian Church, the Rev Dr Stanley Barnes preached at his
final services with the congregation last Sunday (28th October).
Dr Barnes was installed as the church's first ordained minister
in October 1972 and under his 35-year ministry the church
continued to grow; a new church building was opened in June 1974
and the present church in September 1987.
At a farewell service last Tuesday evening (30th October) the
chairman, Mr David Williamson MBE (Clerk of Session) welcomed
the congregation, visitors and special guests including the Rt
Hon Dr Ian Paisley MP and his wife Baroness Eileen Paisley, the
Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA, His Worshipful the Mayor,
Councillor James Tinsley and the Mayoress, Mrs Margaret Tinsley.
The preacher was Dr Paisley (Moderator) and the Rev Ron
Johnstone (Deputy Moderator) brought greetings on behalf of
Presbytery and the Rev John Morrow spoke on behalf of his
colleagues. Dr David McIlveen spoke on behalf of the Free
Presbyterian Church Mission Board, the Rev John Morrow on behalf
of Mr Barnes Ministerial Colleagues and Pastor Eugene Groza paid
tribute to Mr and Mrs Barnes for the work that they had done in
Romania throughout the past 17 years. Their son Andrew spoke of
growing up at the manse with his sister Heather. 'His father
gave sacrificially to the Lord's work and although he was
retiring from the church, he won't be retiring from the family'
he said.
Patricia Hamilton presided at the organ and Elizabeth Cordner on
piano. The congregational hymns included, 'To God be the Glory'
and the final hymn, which was sang with great emotion for Mr and
Mrs Barnes was aptly 'God be with you 'til we meet again'. The
Ladies Fellowship and Youth Choir, the Romanian Quartet and the
Rev Dr William McCrea MP MLA brought several items of praise.
During the evening, presentations were made to Dr and Mrs Barnes
from various departments of the church. Speaking on behalf of
the congregation, Mr Williamson thanked Dr Barnes for his 35
years of ministry saying that as a Pastor he had been faithful
as a preacher of the Gospel and teacher of the word of God.
Speaking of his Pastoral ministry he said that Dr Barnes was
'always attentive to the sick, elderly and bereaved and proved
himself to be a friend that sticketh closer than a brother'. Mr
Williamson continued, 'You will be greatly missed in the days
that lie ahead' and concluded by wishing him and his wife Ina 'a
long and happy retirement'.
Mr Williamson read the following poem, which he had written
especially for occasion:
Mr Barnes he is
The Baker from Belfast
He can't believe he has reached that age
Time passed Him by so fast
He doesn't really look that old
Just a little round and stout
But He can fairly preach God's word
Of that there is no doubt
Sure when He came to Hillsborough
He was just a lovely young man
Into the wooden hut he walked
With Ina by the hand
Sure we couldn't understand him
With his oul' East Belfast Tongue
So we sent him down to Jimmy McCanns'
To the farm for a bit of fun
Jimmy tried to educate Him
His efforts were in vain
For whenever our wee Stan came back
His accent was just the same
He's a great wee man at
But have you heard him sing'
Thon man he makes some noises
Shouldn't be heard by a living thing
He loves his grub as well you know
Oh' he loves a bit of dinner
And the people of Hillsborough were so kind
The crater got no thinner
And the people of Hillsborough loved him
And this Church just grew and grew
Stanley Barnes was God's anointed
That the people of Hillsborough knew
Mr Barnes we're going to miss you
We'll remember you and your fame
God Bless you Dr Stanley Barnes
Till we all meet again
Speaking on behalf of his wife and himself, Dr Barnes thanked Mr
Williamson for his kind words of appreciation and also for the
presentations that had been made to him from the church. He
counted it a 'great honour to have had the privilege of being
their minister for 35 years' and said that it was 'his earnest
prayer that the work would continue to grow and prosper in the
days that lie ahead'. He also said that it was through Dr
Paisley's ministry that he was called into full time service and
he expressed his gratitude to Dr and Mrs Paisley for their
encouragement and support to himself and his family over the
In an interview Dr Paisley said, 'I pay tribute to Dr Stanley
Barnes. I have known him since he was a boy. I have watched his
development as a Missionary Student and later when he was unable
to go to the mission because of health, I saw him prepare for
the Christian ministry and ordained as a preacher of the Gospel.
If anybody wants to see this man as he is, they should come to
this church where he has been pastor for 35 years; there they
will see a great congregation, a great youth work and most of
all a wonderful world wide missionary endeavour - these
demonstrate the sort of man he is. I wish him well in his
retirement and look forward to see him commence a new part of
his service for Christ'.
Following the service, supper was served by the ladies of the
church allowing the congregation and friends to add their
congratulations and best wishes for their retirement.
L to R: (seated) Rev Dr Stanley Barnes, Mrs Ina
Barnes, Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley MP and Baroness Eileen
Paisley. (back row) Jonathan, Hugh and Heather
Garret and Andrew and Beverley Barnes.
The Ladies Fellowship and Youth Choir
The Romanian Quartet and Little John (right).
An emotional time for Mr and Mrs Barnes as the
congregation sing the final hymn 'God be with you
'til we meet again'.
Reception committee and car park attendants pictured
at a special service in Hillsborough Free
Presbyterian Church last Tuesday (30th October)
marking the retirement of the Rev Dr Stanley Barnes.
L to R: (seated) Billy Foster, Trevor Hewitt, Robert
Murphy, Eric Spence and George Reid. (back row)
Ronnie Walker, Robert Porter, Richard Lockhart,
Michael Coulter, Alex Graham, Trevor Malcolmson and
Jimmy Murphy.
to R: (seated) Rev Dr Stanley Barnes and Mrs Ina
Barnes pictured with their family (back row)
Beverley and Andrew Barnes and Hugh, Heather and
Jonathan Garret.
Rev Dr Stanley Barnes and Mrs Ina Barnes cut a cake
marking Mr Barnes retirement.
The retirement cake.
The retirement cakes.
MLA Edwin Poots, Minister for Culture, Arts and
Leisure, looks on as Mr and Mrs Barnes cut their
retirement cake.
Mr David Williamson MBE (Clerk of Session) and Mrs
Emilene Williamson pictured after presenting gifts
on behalf of the congregation to Rev Dr Stanley
Barnes and Mrs Ina Barnes.