Patsy Holdsworth
Rev Paul
Sr Patsy Holdsworth, previously Student Minister at Ballinderry
Moravian Church has been called to Kilwarlin Moravian Church
where she will succeed her husband, the Rev Paul Holdsworth who
has been called to serve the Cliftonville and University Road
Moravian Churches in Belfast. She commenced her ministry at
Kilwarlin Moravian Church on Monday 1st October and will be
ordained at Kilwarlin on Friday 19th October at 8.00pm.
Having recently completed a year of training at Ballinderry
Moravian Church under the supervision of the Rev Jan Mullin -
Minister of Gracehill, the Rev Patsy Holdsworth will now have
pastoral oversight of both Kilwarlin and Ballinderry. Previously
Lay Preacher at Kilwarlin Moravian Church, she became Student
Minister at Ballinderry Moravian Church on 1st September 2006
and was welcomed at a Service of Introduction and Welcome on
Sunday 3rd September 2006. She succeeded the Rev Eckhard
Buchholz, who was retired in June 2006 and now lives in South