Pictured at the final
service in the active ministry of the Rev Victor
Sinclair in Ballycairn Presbyterian Church last
Sunday morning (1st April) are L to R: (seated) Mrs
Anne Gowdy, Mrs Maje Sinclair and the Rev Victor
Sinclair. (back row) William Steele - Clerk of
Session, David Gowdy ' Treasurer, William Clarke '
Elder and Victor Sinclair (jnr). Missing from the
photo is Bill Dornan ' Church Secretary.
The Rev Victor Sinclair
and Mrs Maje Sinclair cut a cake to mark Mr
Sinclair's retirement as minister of Ballycairn
Presbyterian Church. The photo was taken at a
Farewell and Presentation Evening in Ballycairn
Presbyterian Church Hall last Thursday (29th March).
The cake was donated by Mrs Ina Gowdy.
The Rev Victor Sinclair, who was installed as the sixth minister
of Ballycairn in April 1975, preached the final sermon in his
active ministry at an emotional farewell service in Ballycairn
Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning (1st April, 2007). The
church was crowded for the occasion. Bible readings were taken
from Psalm 146 and Hebrews 10 and the Anthem by the Choir, under
the leadership of Mrs Edith Douglas, was 'God Will Take Care of
You'. Mr Sinclair spoke to the Children about courage and in the
course of his sermon he said, 'Everyone must hold fast to their
faith and hope in Christ, because it is a faith that will not
let us go or let us down'. He emphasised that Christ is both
Saviour and Judge and one must never surrender to despair or
doubt. He exhorted the congregation: 'Let us be faithful for
Christ is faithful' and in conclusion, he said, 'I commend you
to God and his gracious word.'
Following the Benediction the choir sang, 'God be with you till
we meet again'. Refreshments were served after the service
providing an opportunity for the whole congregation to say
farewell to their long serving minister.
Last Thursday (29th March, 2007) a 'Farewell and Presentation
Evening' was held in Ballycairn Presbyterian Church Hall to mark
the retirement of the Rev Victor Sinclair as the minister of
Ballycairn Church after 32 years of exemplary service. After
welcoming a packed hall of members of the congregation, visitors
and guests, William Steele - Clerk of Session, recalled the
formation of the first Ballycairn church in 1830, as a breakaway
from Drumbo and also of a historic open-air service held in 1980
on the site of the original church (near Drumbo village),
commemorating the 150th anniversary of the congregation. He gave
a glowing tribute to their long serving minister, recalling the
38 year old former Belfast City Missionary's installation in
1975 and spoke of the early years of his ministry at Ballycairn
when Mr Sinclair continued his university education and obtained
a Master of Theology degree, based on the life and teaching of
St Paul.
Mr Steele also spoke of Mr Sinclair's well-researched
sermons and excellent pastoral work. He said, 'The congregation
of Ballycairn are now looking for a new minister and if we find
as good a replacement as Mr Sinclair, we will be very
fortunate'. Speaking also of Mr Sinclair's wife Maje's
contribution to Ballycairn PWA and her talents as pianist and
organist, he reminded the congregation that in 1975 they got
'two for the price of one'. Mr Steele concluded by wishing Mr
Sinclair and his wife Maje a very happy retirement.
Pictured at a
Farewell and Presentation Evening in Ballycairn
Presbyterian Church Hall last Thursday (29th March)
to mark the retirement of the
Rev Victor Sinclair are L to R: (seated) William Steele
- Clerk of Session, Rev Victor Sinclair, Mrs Maje
Sinclair, Victor Sinclair (jnr) and Rev Cowper Lynas
- Convenor of Ballycairn vacancy (1975). (back row)
Mrs Elizabeth Walker - Vice President of the PWA,
Paul McCarroll - RBP 116 and LOL 1933, Rev Canon
John Bell - former Rector of Drumbo, Rev Trevor
Anderson - Clerk of South Belfast Presbytery,
William Clarke, Miss Gillian McBride, Mrs Anne Gowdy,
Mrs Edith Douglas and Miss Joy Rainey. Unable to
attend was Mr and Mrs Sinclair's son Kenneth, their
daughter-in-law Rebecca and grandchildren Megan and
Kenneth. Kenneth is currently a Presbyterian
Minister in America.
Mrs Edith Douglas -
organist and Ballycairn Church Choir pictured at the
final service in the active ministry of the Rev
Victor Sinclair in Ballycairn Presbyterian Church
last Sunday morning (1st April)
Ballycairn Church Choir,
accompanied by Mrs Edith Douglas on piano, pictured
providing a great programme of sketches, verse and
song at a 'Farewell and Presentation Evening' in
Ballycairn Presbyterian Church Hall last Thursday
(29th March).
In response, Mr Sinclair endorsed Mr Steele's comments about his
wife Maje. Speaking of his installation in 1975 he recalled
looking over a 'sea of new faces' as the new minister of
Ballycairn. Mr Sinclair also recalled the 150th anniversary
service in 1980, the opening of the extension to the church in
July 1984 and the many fetes, flower festivals, coffee mornings
and special occasions held during his long ministry. However, he
said, 'It's not just the things we remember - it's the people'
and went on to speak about the suffering, pleasures and joys of
his 32-years spent at Ballycairn. They were 'good years -
supported and fulfilled,' he said.
Mr Sinclair, who will now become Minister Emeritus at
Ballycairn, thanked the congregation for giving him and his wife
Maje a 'night to remember'. Recalling how the congregation grew
old along with him, he concluded by saying, 'the best is yet to
come - when we see Jesus'.
Mrs Sinclair spoke fondly of the people of Ballycairn and of her
husband and two sons. Her anecdotes were greeted with laughter
and she wished the congregation God's richest blessings in the
years ahead.
Mrs Maje Sinclair, who
was Vice President of Ballycairn PWA for over 32
years is pictured with Mrs Anne Gowdy (left) and
Miss Gillian McBride at a Farewell and Presentation
Evening in Ballycairn Presbyterian Church last
Thursday (29th March) to mark the retirement of
Maje's husband, the Rev Victor Sinclair. Missing
from the photo is Mrs Elizabeth Walker - Vice
President, who presented Mrs Sinclair with a gift on
behalf of Ballycairn PWA.
Mrs Elizabeth Walker -
Vice President of Ballycairn PWA is pictured
presenting a gift to Mrs Maje Sinclair in
recognition of over 32 years service as President of
Ballycairn PWA. The photo was taken at the final
service in the active ministry of Maje's husband,
the Rev Victor Sinclair in Ballycairn Presbyterian
Church last Sunday morning (1st April)
Greetings were also brought by the Rev Trevor Anderson - Clerk
of South Belfast Presbytery, Rev Canon John Bell - former Rector
of Drumbo, Rev Cowper Lynas - Convenor of Ballycairn vacancy
(1975) and Miss Joy Rainey - Ballycairn Elder.
Presentations were made by William Clarke (Elder), Mrs Anne
Gowdy and Miss Gillian McBride (Church Committee) on behalf of
the congregation; Paul McCarroll on behalf of RBP 116 and LOL
1933; and Mrs Elizabeth Walker - Vice President of the PWA
presented a gift to Mrs Maje Sinclair on behalf of Ballycairn
Following a delightful supper provided by the ladies of the
congregation, everyone enjoyed an interesting photographic
presentation entitled 'Down Memory Lane'. This had been compiled
by members of the congregation and recalled the many changes at
Ballycairn during Mr Sinclair's long ministry including visits
of Presbytery, outings, fetes and many other special events. The
choir, accompanied by Mrs Edith Douglas on piano, provided a
great programme of sketches, verse and song, which was compered
by Mr Brian Johnston with Stephen Gilbert in charge of sound.
The choir rounded off the evening of entertainment with an
adaptation of the well-known song 'Wish me blessings as you wave
me goodbye'.
Rev Robert Neill, Rector of Drumbo Parish Church, brought the
proceedings to a close by thanking all those who had been
involved in providing such an excellent and fitting farewell for
Mr Sinclair. Those assembled sang the Doxology and all gave
personal good wishes to Mr and Mrs Sinclair as they left for
home. Certainly a memorable night in the long history of
Ballycairn Presbyterian Church.