Lisburn traffic attendant is licensed for the ministry

Rosalind Taggart pictured with
her parents David and Norma and daughter Emma at
a Service of Licensing in First Presbyterian
Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry on Tuesday
26th June.
Moira woman Rosalind Taggart, a member of the congregation of
First Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry, is well
known around Lisburn having worked as a Traffic Warden/Attendant
for the past 16 years. Since 2003 she has been studying for the
degree of Bachelor of Divinity at Glasgow University, under the
auspices of the Presbytery of Antrim. Having completed her
training for the ministry, Rosalind was licensed to preach the
Gospel by the Presbytery of Antrim at a Service of Licensing
held in First Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry on
Tuesday 26th June.
The Very Rev William McMillan, Minister of Dunmurry, conducted
the service and the Rev Dr John Nelson (Clerk of Presbytery) and
the Rev Dr Paul Reid (Moderator of the Presbytery of Antrim)
conducted the act of licensing. The preacher was the Rev Dr
David Steers, minister of Downpatrick, Ballee & Clough. Alfie
Martin - Clerk of Session, read the New Testament lesson and
Brian Shaw on organ and the Church Choir led the praise. The
hymns included ' I'm not ashamed to own my Lord' and 'Take my
life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee'.
During the service, Alfie Martin presented Rosalind with a
preaching gown saying, 'We have been watching your progress for
four years and are very proud of you'.
The Rt Rev Tom Banham, Moderator of the Non-Subscribing
Presbyterian Church of Ireland, pronounced the benediction after
which supper was served in the McCleery Hall.
Rosalind Taggart pictured after being presented
with a preaching gown by Alfie Martin - Clerk of
Session (left) at a Service of Licensing in First
Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry on
Tuesday 26th June. Included in the photo are Brian
Shaw (organist) and the Minister of Dunmurry, the
Very Rev William McMillan (right).
Rosalind Taggart pictured with the Presbytery of
Antrim at a Service of Licensing in First
Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry on
Tuesday 26th June. L to R: Mr Alfie Martin (Clerk of
Session), Rev Dr John Nelson (Clerk of Presbytery),
Rev Dr Paul Reid (Moderator of the Presbytery of
Antrim), Very Rev William McMillan (Minister of
Dunmurry, Rosalind Taggart, Rev Dr David Steers
(Downpatrick, Ballee & Clough), The Rt Rev Tom
Banham (Moderator of the Non-Subscribing
Presbyterian Church of Ireland), Rev Chris Hudson
(All Souls, Belfast) and Rev Colin Campbell
(Ballyclare and Holywood).
Exposition of Presbyterian Church Order - Rev Dr John Nelson -
(Clerk of Presbytery)
Questions to Student by the Rev Paul Reid ( Moderator of the
Presbytery of Antrim)
Prayer of Licensing by the Rev Paul Reid ( Moderator of the
Presbytery of Antrim)
Benediction by the Rt. Rev. D.G. Banham, Moderator of the
Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland.