L to R: Mrs Elsie Thompson - Principal
(1956 - 1972), Mrs Angela Moore - Principal (1992 - present)
and Mrs Mary McKeag - Principal (1972 - 1992). (back row)
The Rev Dr Jack Richardson - Minister Emeritus (Chairman of
the Board of Governors), Councillor Trevor Lunn MLA - Mayor,
Mrs Laureen Lunn - Mayoress, Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA -
Lagan Valley MP and John Connor - Clerk of Session.
Hillhall Presbyterian Church was packed to capacity on Sunday
evening 3rd June for a 'Farewell and Thanksgiving Service' to
mark the closure of Hillhall Primary School this summer. Mrs
Angela Moore (Principal) welcomed the congregation, Mrs Mary
McKeag and Mrs Elsie Thompson (former Principals), teachers and
non-teaching staff, past and present pupils and special guests
Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA, His Worshipful the Mayor,
Councillor Trevor Lunn MLA, Mrs Laureen Lunn - Mayoress, and Ms
Irene Knox - Chief Executive of the South Eastern Education and
Library Board.
Minister Emeritus, the Rev Dr Jack Richardson (who served for
over 25 years as Chairman of the Board of Governors) conducted
the service. His text was Ephesians 3v17 - 'May your roots go
down into the soil of God's marvellous love'. He quoted a
well-known educator who said, 'A child is like a tender plant -
needing the proper environment in which to grow strong and
healthy' and continued by saying that the significant venues
within that proper environment are, the home, the church and the
school. Regarding the school, he emphasised that it needs to
have the confidence of parents, to be a learning environment, to
educate for life and to remember the three divisions of humanity
- physical, mental and spiritual.
L to R: Mrs Lynda Casement, Miss
Suzanne Halliday, Mrs Heather Young, and Mrs Angela
Moore - Principal.
The Mayor and Mayoress meet 92
year-old Jim Rush, the oldest surviving past pupil
of Hillhall Primary School.
Mrs Mary McKeag (Past Principal) and Mrs Shirley McAuley (PTA
Chairperson) read the Scripture lessons while Mrs Angela Moore
(Present Principal) gave an inspirational reading. Mr Alf
Casement on organ led the congregational praise - 'Oh Christ the
Same', 'Shine Jesus Shine' and 'One More Step Along the Way'.
The School choir, conducted by Mrs Lynda Casement (who teaches
music throughout the school) and accompanied by her husband Mr
Alf Casement on piano sang 'Father in Heaven', 'The Lord's My
Shepherd' and 'Remember'.
Past pupils Iris Sleator and Joe Lockhart (members of the Board
of Governors) gave an interesting recollection of their memories
of the school. Iris spoke of the days of cowboys and Indian
games, pens that needed to be dipped in ink, blotting paper and
the introduction of biros. Joe, who started at the old school in
1946, recalled using a hand truck to move equipment from the old
school to the present one in 1952. He also recalled that during
the war the field on which the present school is built contained
20 - 30 POW Nissan huts and spoke of his memories of seeing the
prisoners being marched up and down the road when they were
dismantling the nearby radar station. Present pupils - Luke
Thompson, Rachel McAteer, Rachel Megaughy, Ellie Thompson,
William Dougherty, Jasmine Cobbett, Lauren McGrattan and Ewan
McLearn finished off the collection of memories using an
acrostic poem of the letters - H.I.L.L.H.A.L.L.
A retiring offering raised £340 for Cystic Fibrosis.
Refreshments were served afterwards in the church hall,
providing an opportunity for former pupils to renew old
friendships and recall happy memories of their early days at the
Brief history of 'Our Happy School'
Primary School was founded in 1893 and first met in Hillhall
Presbyterian Church in what is now the 'Youth Hall' in Church
Lane. The present school, built in 1952, is situated on the edge
of Lisburn in beautifully maintained grounds. During World War
II it was a prisoner of war camp and some of the former
prisoners have since returned to visit the area. The oak tree at
the entrance (for which a preservation order has been sought) was
planted in 1953 to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth
II. The first Principal of the present school was the late Mr
Bob Johnston (1952 - 1956), who was succeeded in turn by Mrs
Elsie Thompson (1956 - 1972) and Mrs Mary McKeag (1972 - 1992).
The present Principal, Mrs Angela Moore took up office in
January 1993.
school, which was built for 50 pupils, has an excellent standing
in the community. Forty-six pupils started in September of the
current year but today only 33 children attend the school. The
assistant teachers are - Mrs Heather Young and Principal Release
teacher Mrs Lynda Casement. The school secretary is Mrs
Catherine McAteer. The two longest serving members of staff are
caretaker and supervisory assistant Mrs Mary Simpson
(affectionately known as Mary) and dinner lady and supervisory
assistant Mrs Patricia Fleming. Mrs Moore, Mrs Young and Mrs
Casement are taking early retirement in August and in September,
Miss Halliday will join the staff of Harmony Hill and Mrs
McAteer will join the staff of Brownlee.
For many years, Hillhall has been rural and family orientated in
ethos. The children enjoy outings to places of interest
including residential trips from P5 upwards to places such as
London and Paris. The exemplary behaviour of the children is
frequently commented upon and the recent inspection report made
reference to this fact. Hillhall prides itself on providing a
full and varied curriculum. Twice-yearly concerts held in
Hillhall Presbyterian Church in which all of the children
participate, are highlights of each school year. The pupils have
competed in Scottish dancing and have danced in Stormont
Buildings and at Saintfield Show and were winners of the Laird
Cup at the opening of the Ulster-Scots Festival. They have won
many art awards, the most recent being the prestigious McCord
Art Bursary.
Recently, the school looked for a slogan to encompass the
school's ethos and the overall winner was 'Our Happy School'.
Regrettably, soon after this competition, the Principal and
Chair of Governors had to announce that the school would close
this summer. The school will officially close at the end of
August but its 33 remaining pupils will leave at the end of