Taking part in 'Summer Songs of
Praise' in Christ Church Parish last Sunday evening
(29th July) were Symington Memorial Silver Band and
L to R: John Quigley (Lisburn Cathedral), Lesley
Noble (Seymour Street Methodist), Evelyn Whyte -
Deaconess (First Lisburn), Edith McConnell (Railway
Street), Rev Paul Dundas (Rector of Christ Church),
Ernie Hewitt (conductor) and the Rev Diane Matchett
(Curate of Christ Church).
A great evening of 'Summer Songs of Praise' featuring Symington
Memorial Silver Band was held in Christ Church Parish last
Sunday evening (29th July). The Rector, the Rev Paul Dundas
welcomed the band and the many visitors, which included members
of the congregations of Lisburn Cathedral, First Lisburn
Presbyterian, Railway Street Presbyterian and Seymour Street
Methodist Church who joined with Christ Church congregation for
this special evening of worship.
Ernie Hewitt (conductor) and the band led the singing of
well-known hymns that included 'All things bright and
beautiful', 'Praise my soul the King of heaven', 'To God be the
glory' and 'Onward Christian soldiers'. John Quigley - Diocesan
Reader (Lisburn Cathedral) and the Rev Diane Matchett (Curate of
Christ Church) led the prayers and Lesley Noble (Seymour Street
Methodist), Evelyn Whyte - Deaconess (First Lisburn) and Edith
McConnell (Railway Street) read the Scripture Lessons.
The offering will be donated to the Simon Community Hostel in
Refreshments were served in the Church Hall after the service.
Wesley Dickinson - Rector's
Warden and Ann Elliott - People's Warden welcomed
the many visitors to 'Summer Songs of Praise' in
Christ Church Parish last Sunday evening (29th
Symington Memorial Silver Band
pictured leading the worship at 'Summer Songs of
Praise' in Christ Church Parish last Sunday evening
(29th July).