First Lisburn Bible Ministry Committee under its convener Tom Kinkead
extend an invitation to join with them in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church for two ReachOut Sunday Evening Services.
Sunday 25th November - Robin Fairbairn
On Sunday 25th November at 6.30pm to 8.00pm, the guest speaker
will be Executive Secretary for Education and Promotion for the
Board of Mission in Ireland. Robin, who lives in Derryboy near
Crossgar, Co Down, worships in Raffrey Presbyterian Church.
Before taking up his appointment with the Board of Mission in
Ireland he worked for over 20 years with Belfast City Mission.
One of his responsibilities is to edit ReachOut (formerly the
Christian Irishman.) This now bi - monthly publication seeks to
inform about the work of Mission in Ireland today.
Sunday 2nd December - Billy Patterson
On Sunday 2nd December, from 6.30pm to 8.00pm, the guest speaker
will be Billy Patterson, and Irish Mission Worker based in
Drogheda. Billy and his wife Pat are from Lisburn and their home
congregation is Sloan Street Presbyterian Church. Billy was
converted to Christ through an open-air meeting in 1973. He
joined the Irish Mission in 1984. Billy worships and works with
Rev John Woodside in Drogheda Presbyterian Church. Door to door
visitation, one to one Bible study, open-air evangelism,
children's and youth work are the means by which Billy shares
the gospel.