Young people from Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Churches
throughout Northern Ireland took part in two heats of Sunday
School games held at Raloo and Dromore in March. Over 70
participants representing the congregations of Ballee,
Ballyclare, Downpatrick, Dromore, Dunmurry, Larne, Rademon,
Raloo and Templepatrick took part in the finals, which were held
at Dunmurry (Non-subscribing) Presbyterian Church on Saturday
21st April.
Event co-ordinator Adele Johnston (Sunday School Superintendent
of Dunmurry Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church) welcomed
everyone and outlined the afternoon programme. After competing
in a tense afternoon of races, games, and bible and general
knowledge quizzes, the winners in each age group were: Rademon -
age 5 and under, Rademon - age 6 to 8, Dunmurry, Ballyclare,
Rademon (3 way tie) - age 9 to 11 and Dromore - age 12 plus.
Refreshments including hot dogs were served after which the Very
Rev William McMillan (minister of Dunmurry Non-subscribing
Presbyterian Church) presented the prizes. The Rev Dr Paul Reid
(Sunday School Convenor) concluded a great afternoon of fun and
fellowship by congratulating the winning teams and thanking
everyone for taking part.