During the first three Sunday evenings in November, four of our
city centre churches will unite to hear the Rev Desi Maxwell
present 'The Big Story' through the Bible from Genesis to
Revelation in three giant steps. Organised by First Lisburn
Bible Ministry Committee under its convenor Tom Kinkead, the
series of meetings will be held in First Lisburn Presbyterian
Church on Sunday 4th, 11th and 18th November from 6.30pm to
The programme is: In the Garden (Genesis); In the Tent (Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers through to 1&11 Samuel); In the Temple (1&11
Kings, 1&11 Chronicles; Psalms and most of the prophets In the
Flesh (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John); In the Spirit (Acts and
Pauline letters); and In the New Jerusalem (Revelation).
Desi Maxwell is a very gifted speaker. Born and raised in
Ballymena, his education took him through Ballymena Academy, on
to the University of Ulster, then Westminster and Princeton
Theological seminaries in the USA. While he values those years
of study, he never forgot what he learned about life in
McFetridge's hardware shop in Ballymena.
After seven years of pastoral ministry, three in Canada and four
in Belfast, he began two decades of teaching at Belfast Bible
College. He remained a senior teaching fellow of the college and
regards his work as a joy rather than a job. Desi, who has
discovered the truth of the old adage 'you never learn until you
teach', says that his learning has been enriched by
opportunities in Eastern Europe, Africa, Central Asia and North
America, as well as all over the British Isles. He says, 'the
older I get, the more excited and enthusiastic I am about
studying and teaching the Bible. I owe so much to so many who
have taught me so much and I simply want to share what I have
been given wherever I can'.
The First Lisburn Bible Ministry Committee extend an invitation
to everyone to join with the congregations of First Lisburn,
Railway Street, Lisburn Cathedral and Christ Church for what
promises to be a most interesting series of talks. The Prayer
Healing Ministry Team will be available after the services and Desi will have his book for sale, Where On Earth is God Today.
The First Lisburn Music Group will take part in the services and
tea will be provided afterwards for those who would like to stay
and chat.