L to R: The Rev Paul
Dundas - Rector, the Rev Diane Matchett -
Curate, Hayley Howe - Violinist and Richard
Yarr - Organist (seated at piano) pictured
at the first of three lunchtime concerts
entitled 'Music in May' in Christ Church
Parish on Tuesday 15th May.
The first of a series of three lunchtime concerts entitled
'Music in May' was held in Christ Church Parish on Tuesday
afternoon 15th May when renowned local violinist Hayley Howe
played a selection of popular and classical favourites
accompanied by Christ Church organist Richard Yarr. The Rector,
the Rev Paul Dundas introduced the programme and welcomed the
congregation, visitors and musicians. AA music sponsored the
grand piano, which will be used at the three lunchtime concerts.
The concerts will continue on Tuesday 22nd May when the
outstanding soprano Sheelagh Greer will make a welcome return to
Christ Church. Sheelagh will also be accompanied by Richard Yarr
with a solo spot for award-winning Lisburn pianist - John
Wilson, one of the Lisburn's rising stars.
Waringstown Primary School Choir will round off the series on
Tuesday 29th May. A former BBC Songs of Praise Junior Choir of
the Year, they are widely recognised as one of the UK's leading
primary school choirs, and are set to bring an upbeat programme,
sure to send you home with a spring in your step. They will be
conducted by Jean Glass and accompanied by Carl McCambley.
The concerts take place in Christ Church at 1.15pm and last
approximately 30 minutes. Admission is free; however, retiring
donations would be gratefully appreciated.
Members of Christ Church Choir will be serving lunch from
12.15pm on the day of each concert, and they invite you to
partake of that too. A meal of salads, dessert and refreshments
will be available at a cost of just '5. In light of the demand
for lunches last year they would advise early booking; to
confirm your place contact the Parish Office on (028) 9267 3271.
Please invite your neighbours and friends and encourage them to
break from their usual Tuesday lunchtime routine - whether it be
TV, shopping or work - to let music transport them in the beauty
of God's house.
Clockwise from front left: Victor
Parkinson, Malcolm Crangle, Muriel Cregan, Jean
Allen, Isa Curry, Jim Anderson, Jack Crockard, Tom
Little, Georgena Hazley and Elizabeth Bingham are
pictured enjoying lunch prior to the 'Music in May'
concert in Christ Church Parish on Tuesday 15th May.
Included are some of the members of Christ Church
Choir who served the lunch.
Sylvia Creighton - choir secretary
(front left) and members of Christ Church Choir who
served a delightful lunch prior to the 'Music in
May' concert in Christ Church Parish on Tuesday 15th
A section of the large crown that
enjoyed a delightful lunch prior to the 'Music in
May' concert in Christ Church Parish on Tuesday 15th