Mission team Roger Murphy and the Rev Paul Hoey have presented
the 'Touch Wood' theme during a week of mission and outreach at
Aghalee, Ballinderry and Broomhedge Parish churches this week.
Explaining how people use the term 'Touch Wood' in a
superstitious way, they emphasised that the wood that people
need to touch is the wood of the cross of Jesus that brings
peace and assurance for the future. The purpose of the week has
been to present the Christian faith in a positive way and to
take the Christian message out to where people are at instead of
expecting them to come to the church. Paul Hoey said, 'Fun, Food
and Faith have been the three things that went together during
the week' and continued 'there is something for everyone and for
people of all ages and backgrounds. People will hear the same
message of God's love and our need to respond to that love
whether they are in the church or outside'.
During the tea break at the Bowlers Knockout Night at Aghalee
Parish on Monday night, the Rev Paul Hoey conducted an interview
with Dennis Thompson (a member of Broomhedge Parish). Dennis
told the story of how his six-year-old son Ross was involved in
a near fatal road accident in 1994 and lay in a coma for a week.
He explained that the Rev Peter Galbraith had left a note saying
that he had called with Ross and wrote on the note 'What a
friend we have in Jesus'. Dennis went on to explain how he came
to faith as a result of this assurance and spoke of the joy of
seeing his son's amazing recovery which doctors had said was
'Dealing with a miracle here'. Ross is now nearly 19 years of
age and is about to finish his training as a bricklayer.

L to R: (seated) Roger Murphy (Mission Team),
Rev Canon Ernest Harris - Ballinderry, Rev Simon
Doogan - Aghalee, Rev Peter Galbraith -
Broomhedge and the Rev Paul Hoey (Mission Team)
pictured with some of the many people from
Aghalee, Ballinderry and Broomhedge Parish
churches who took part in the 'Bowlers' Knockout
Night' at Holy Trinity, Aghalee last Monday

Dennis and Anne Thompson with their son Ross.
On Tuesday afternoon about sixty members of Ballinderry Parish
packed the lovely home of Cecil and Daphne Davidson for the
'Seniors' Lunch'. After a beautiful meal, John and Heather Tuft
sang 'Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling' accompanied by
Daphne Davidson on piano after which everyone joined in the
hearty singing of some well-known gospel hymns. In a brief
address, the Rev Paul Hoey and Roger Murphy spoke of the
Christian faith and the assurance of knowing that one-day we
will see Jesus face to face.

Pictured above are some of about sixty
members of Ballinderry Parish who enjoyed the
'Seniors' Lunch' in the home of Cecil and Daphne
Davidson last Tuesday afternoon. Included in the
photo are the Rector, the Rev Canon Ernest
Harris and Cecil and Daphne Davidson (left in
back row
At a well attended 'Lads Night In' at St Matthew's, Broomhedge
last Tuesday evening, Roger Murphy spoke of the choices we make
in life - where to live, where to work and who to marry. He
emphasised the need to choose God's will ' not ours and seek His
plan for our lives and have the courage to turn from what is
wrong and receive Jesus Christ and follow Him. After Roger's
challenging address, the ladies served refreshments including
burgers and hot dogs, further adding to a great night of fun,
food and fellowship.

Enjoying the fun at the Lazer Shoot during a 'Lads' Night In' at
St Matthew's, Broomhedge last Tuesday evening are R to L: Dennis
Thompson, Colin Edgar, Timothy Elwood, Mervyn Camlin, Samuel
Briggs and the Broomhedge Rector, the Rev Peter Galbraith.
The week of events will continue tonight (Thursday) with a
'Couples' Night' at Edenmore Golf Club. On Friday night there
will be a 'Kidz' Time Out' with John O'Neill and Karen Webb in
Broomhedge Church Hall at 6.30pm and a 'Praise Party' with
Johnny Parks and Band in Ballinderry Parish Hall at 8.00pm. On
Saturday morning there will be 'Bacon Buttie Bash' in Aghalee
Parish Hall at 8.00am and on Saturday night there will be a
'Family Tea and Quiz Night' in St John's Parish Centre, Moira at
6.00pm. The week of outreach concludes next Sunday with morning
worship at 11.30am in Aghalee and Broomhedge Parish and morning
and evening worship at 10.30am and 7.00pm in Ballinderry Parish.
So, if you have not yet managed to get to any of the events,
please come along and enjoy the fellowship at these remaining
ones - you will be made most welcome.