Harvest Thanksgiving Services at Ballinderry Moravian Church
L to R: Mrs Valerie Gibson, Victoria Brown,
the Rev Patsy Holdsworth and Mrs Vivienne
McCullough. In the background can be seen the
crisscross display of corn around the front of
the pulpit, which has been the tradition at this
church for over half a century.
Violet Best adds the final touches to one of
the many beautiful floral displays.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in Ballinderry
Moravian Church on Sunday 28th September. The preacher at
the morning service was Mrs Carol Ackah, Lay Preacher of
University Road Moravian Church, Belfast. Mrs Vivienne
McCullough presided at the organ and the soloist was Mr
William Sibbet.
The minister, the Rev Patsy Holdsworth, conducted the
evening service and the preacher was Dr Fred Ruddell,
Diocesan Reader of Ballinderry Parish Church. Victoria
Brown, a young member of the congregation read a poem
entitled, 'The harvest time is come'. Mrs Valerie Gibson
presided at the organ; the congregational hymns included,
'Come, ye thankful people, come' and 'The God of harvest
praise'. Soloist Mrs Vivienne McCullough sang 'The perfect
peace of God' and 'All things bright and beautiful'
reminding all present of the beautiful gifts provided by
God, many of which adorned the tastefully decorated church.