Mr Colin Elliott,
Principal of Brownlee Primary School,
pictured at the Summer Epilogue Service
in Railway Street Presbyterian Church
last Sunday evening with the Rev Brian
Gibson (left) and Rev Canon Sam Wright
Mr Colin Elliott, Principal of Brownlee Primary School, was the
special guest at the Summer Epilogue Service last Sunday evening
(10th August) in Railway Street Presbyterian Church when the
congregations of Lisburn Cathedral, Seymour Street Methodist,
First Lisburn and Railway Street joined for worship.
Accompanying himself on guitar, Colin sang 'Over There', 'My
Jesus I Love Thee' and 'I Saw the Light'. He also joined with
Railway Street musicians Janet Ferguson (Director of Music), Dr
Bertha Cowan (Keyboard), Rosie Cowan (Violin) and Megan
Gillespie (Clarinet) as together they led the hearty singing of
well-known hymns that included, 'To God be the glory' and 'I
Will Sing the Wondrous Story'.
The minister, the Rev Brian Gibson, explained that in 1913,
under the will of Miss Isabella Brownlee, the Brownlee Memorial
School replaced the Railway Street National Schools, which were
founded in 1869 by the first minister of Railway Street, the Rev
David Clarke. The old school, which was situated at the rear of
the church, is now the Minor Hall.
In an interview with Mr Gibson, Colin spoke of his pleasure in
seeing children in Brownlee Primary develop academically,
physically and socially as they progress through the school; and
of his joy when some former pupils come back to say thank-you
for the positive experience they had during their formative
years of education. He recalled his Christian upbringing under
Christian parents and grandparents and how at the age of just
8', he gave his life to the Lord at the Dick Saunders Crusade in
Lurgan in 1976. Colin went on to explain that, as he grew older
and matured in his faith he got involved in playing in Gospel
groups and is now worship leader in Newmills Presbyterian
Church, near his home in Bleary. He encouraged other young
Christians to similarly become involved in some aspect of church
life. He also spoke of his pleasure of being able to communicate
the Gospel to the pupils in Brownlee through assemblies, the RE
curriculum and by inviting guests from Scripture Union, Youth
For Christ and Child Evangelism to take assemblies and special
events in the school. In conclusion, Colin spoke of his love for
Christian music and of his concerts with local band 'Live Issue'
and how in recent years he has had the opportunity to tour in
the United States and be involved in recording and producing in
The Rev Canon Sam Wright, Rector of Lisburn Cathedral, was the
preacher. In his address based on Isaiah 40 v 28-31 he referred
to the Beijing Olympic games saying that while athletes get
tired - the Lord will not grow tired. Speaking of the
awesomeness of God he said that those who hope in the Lord would
renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles and
run and not grow weary. He concluded by saying that God will
never leave you or forsake, praying that this awesome God would
be with you in the days and weeks that lie ahead.
Also taking part were Marion Craig (First Lisburn) who read the
Scripture lesson and the Rev Winston Good (Seymour Street) who
led the prayers of intercession. Following the service,
refreshments were served in the Minor Hall (previously the
Railway Street National School).
The venues for the three remaining summer epilogue services are:
Sunday 17th August - Lisburn Cathedral, Sunday 24th August -
First Lisburn Presbyterian and Sunday 31st August - Seymour
Street Methodist.
For more information on Christian singer, songwriter and
producer Colin Elliott, go to his website at