Reformed Presbyterian Church, Nettlehill Road, is holding its
annual GO-week for the community next week (Monday 11th to
Sunday 17th August). The week will be packed with activities.
There will be something to interest and inform people of all
ages and stages of Christian understanding.
Since next year is the 500th anniversary of John Calvin's birth
it is appropriate that the morning Bible Studies (Monday-Friday
at 10.00am) will be focusing on some of Calvin's distinctive
doctrines. These will be led by the elders of the congregation
and will include time for discussion and prayer.
On Thursday (14th August) the church buildings on the Nettlehill
Road will be open to the public from 11.00am to 5.00pm. On
display for browsing or buying will be a large range of Bibles
and Christian books. From Tear Fund there will be a supply of
Tear Craft merchandise. By supporting this stall you will be
helping people in poverty-stricken areas of the world.
Many other things will be happening. For example:
- A Bible Club for children (aged 4-12) each
evening (7.00-8.00pm)
- A DVD entitled 'Are we alone in the universe' to
be shown on Friday evening at 8.00pm
- A Guest Service on Sunday 17th August at 7.00pm.
At this service the minister of the congregation (Robert
McCollum) will preach on the topic 'The truth and nothing
but the truth'.
If you require any further information about any of these events
contact David Currie (Tel 9266 6555) or Robert McCollum (Tel
9266 4313).