L to R: Bro David Hobson (District
Secretary), Bro Dr Jonathan Mattison (Deputy
District Master), Bro Victor Harrison (County Grand
Master), Rev Robert Jim Mattison (District
Chaplain), Rev David Porter (Minister of Second
Dromara Presbyterian Church), Bro Eric Jess
(Worshipful District Master) and Bro Robert Murphy
(District Lay Chaplain). |
Dromara LOL No 12 pictured at the
Lower Iveagh District Service in Second Dromara
Presbyterian Church last Sunday afternoon (6th
July). L to R: (front) Bro William Campbell (Past
District Master), Bro Robert McCalla (Deputy
Master), Bro Wesley Jess (Worshipful Master), Bro
Ernest Cambell (Treasurer) and Bro Isaac McKnight
(Past Master). (back row) Bro Geoff Magowan, Bro Jim
Gamble, Bro Clifford Campbell, Bro Scott Carson, Bro
Richard Martin and Bro Les Carson. |
District Officers pictured at the
Lower Iveagh District Service in Second Dromara
Presbyterian Church last Sunday afternoon (6th
July). L to R: Bro Eric Jess (Worshipful District
Master), Bro Robert Murphy (District Lay Chaplain),
Bro Gareth Lough (Standard Bearer), Bro Victor
Harrison (County Grand Master), Bro Richard Martin
(Standard Bearer), Bro Geoffrey Bradford (Standard
Bearer), Bro David Hobson (District Secretary), Bro
Norman Dewart (District Tyler), Bro William Martin
(Assistant District Treasurer) and Bro Dr Jonathan
Mattison (Deputy District Master). |
Representatives from the 23 lodges of the Lower Iveagh District
L.O.L. No. 1 attended a District Service in Second Dromara
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 6th July. Dromara Highland Pipe
Band, Aughnaskeogh Silver Band and Waringsford Pipe Band led the
parade from Dromara Orange Hall to the church.
The minister, the Rev David Porter gave the call to worship and
led the service; the preacher was District Chaplain, the Rev Jim
Mattison, Minister of Cremore, Fourtowns and Poyntzpass
Presbyterian Churches and former minister of Second Dromara
(1981-1991). Gwen Doran presided at the organ and Ian Beattie
presided on piano. The church choir sang the anthem �This could
be the dawning of that day� and the congregational hymns
included, Amazing grace and Will your anchor hold? Bro Robert
Murphy (District Lay Chaplain) read the Scripture lesson from
Daniel 1 v 1-21.
In his address based on the reading from Daniel, Mr Mattison
spoke of Daniel�s life and the trials and challenges that faced
the young Jewish exile and his three companions who were taken
captive and transported to Babylon. He went on to say that some
of the episodes in Daniel�s life are well known, but they are a
good read. Mr Mattison continued, �Underlying each chapter is
the question we struggle with today - how can we be true to our
God when society around us demands loyalty to other values?�
An offering was taken for the Lord Enniskillen Memorial Fund.
Bro Eric Jess, Worshipful District Master, concluded the service
by thanking the Session and Committee of Second Dromara
Presbyterian Church for the use of the Church and also thanked
all who organised, took part in and attended the service.