Members and friends of Lisburn�s
Polish Mission Church pictured at their second
birthday party in the Kingdom Life City Church,
A special celebration service in the Kingdom Life City Church,
Lisburn on Sunday 21st September marked the second anniversary
of Lisburn�s Polish Mission Church. Szczepan (Stephan) Cackowski
assisted by translator Kamila Nowicka led the service and Lukasz
Nowicki accompanied by members of the talented church band led
the lively worship. During the evening a video was presented
recalling memories of all the trips, sports, fun and fellowship
enjoyed during their second year. Following a quiz where the
Polish members pitted their wits against local well-wishers,
some members of the congregation shared how God had changed
their lives through the Polish Mission Church. Brian Agnew,
Pastor of the Kingdom Life City Church gave an interesting
account of how with the help of Hillsborough couple Mervyn and
Elizabeth Gilpin, the Polish Mission Church came into being and
spoke of the events leading up to their first service in Lisburn
on 3rd September 2006.
Following the anniversary service, the congregation enjoyed a
taste of Poland as they tucked into a delicious selection of
Polish food and mouth-watering desserts.
At the beginning of next month, Lisburn Polish Mission Church
leader Szczepan Cackowski will take up an appointment as full
time Polish Evangelist reaching out to the Polish community
which consists of about 30,000 in Northern Ireland and 150,000
in Southern Ireland; his job will also include offering help in
filling in forms and applications etc. Speaking of his
appointment, Szczepan said that he was looking forward to
building bridges within the community of Lisburn and beyond.
Szczepan and Kamila Cackowscy
Polish Mission Church leaders. |
At Lisburn�s Polish Mission Church
second birthday party are L to R. (seated) Monika
and Przemyslaw Feliga, Szczepan and Kamila Cackowscy
and Lukasz and Kamila Nowicki. (back row) Brian and
Mary Agnew (Kingdom Life), Slawomir and Katarzyna
Cichy and Elizabeth and Mervyn Gilpin (Founder
members). |
Brief history of the Polish Mission Church
The Polish Mission Church was started in Lisburn in
September 2006. Since the very beginning, the Kingdom Life City
Church (Lisburn) took them under their wings and allowed them to
use their church building and experience in building a Christian
fellowship. Because of its unique character, PMC is an
ecumenical church and does not belong to any denomination. There
are people from many Christian churches in Poland who are
involved in the creation and development of PMC including
Baptist Church, Catholic Church, Church of Evangelical
Christians, Church of Free Christians, God�s Church in Christ,
Pentecostal Church and others.
First steps
In the beginning a cell group of about 15 people met at
different homes. The home group, which had an informal
character, concentrated on studying the truths of the Bible and
building relationships between its members. As time went by, the
people who initially came to the UK to secure their financial
well being, desired to organise meetings so that others could
become part of the fellowship. With this in mind on 3rd
September 2006, Polish Mission Church started meeting on the
first and third Sunday of each month. Because of its
interdenominational character the services are not always the
same. They believe that Church is not only about religious
practices and rituals (different in various churches) but also
most of all about fellowship of believers who meet together to
worship God together and share their faith with others.
Therefore during their services there is time for studying the
Bible, worshipping with songs, prayer as well as for a
fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee.
PMC activities
The principles of PMC underline the importance of relationships
with other Christians as a visible reflection of their Christian
faith in everyday life. Therefore the life of the church does
not only restrain to Sunday services. Very often they organise a
range of activities including bowling, ice-skating, visits to a
gym, swimming pool or trips to various places. This helps them
develop the existing relationships and establish new ones. Other
events included: Polish Picnics, Polish Christmas Eve and even
�Smingus-Dyngus� (a traditional Polish way of celebrating Easter
by pouring water on each other). The desire of PMC consists of
not only �religious activity� but also meeting the needs of
Polish people who live here, far away from their families and
loved ones. Therefore PMC is actively cooperating with the local
community, as well as different churches and organisations and
as a result of that, the following undertakings were possible:
collection of furniture for people in need, taking part in a
Polish mass, services of many Irish churches, Festival of
Christian Music, help in teaching English, Polish-Irish New
Year�s Eve, Polish-Irish services and any others.
What a church means for us
PMC wants to break the stereotype that a church is a
building. On the basis of Biblical teaching they teach that
Church is a body, the Head of which is Christ (Ephesians
1:22-23) and the members of the body are people who believe in
God, no matter what their denomination is. Everybody who wants
to put Biblical teaching into practice and fulfil the will of
God for their life can find their place in PMC. It is also a
place for those who are still seeking for something more in
their lives, someone whom they could truly trust and dedicate
their attention, time and life to. They believe God is the one
they are longing for. As people who come from different
Christian backgrounds and churches, they respect all of them.
However, as people with different experiences they try to
discover the truths of the Bible together, not necessarily
following a doctrine of one particular denomination but rather
focussing on the essence of Christianity, which is found in the
Bible. This approach does not come from a willingness to
disrespect the teaching of any of them; they want to focus on
what brings us together rather than what draws us apart.
Therefore, as the foundation for their faith they consider the
truth, that there is one God, �who so loved the world that He
gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him shall
not perish but have eternal live� (John 3:16).
Contribution of others
An undeniable role in building the unique fellowship of PMC
was played by the Kingdom Life Faith Centre (Lisburn) who opened
their hearts and doors for them. Without their support, the new
fellowship would not be able to enjoy what is probably the first
Polish Church in the UK. Their help and involvement is God�s
answer to many of the prayers of PMC leaders who feel that as
Polish people living in a foreign country, they should not live
apart from the local community.
For more information on the Polish Mission Church go to
or contact Szczepan (Stephan) Cackowski on 07940709241.