The Rev Rosalind Taggart was ordained by the Presbytery
of Antrim at a Service of Ordination in First
Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry last
Monday evening (18th August). On Monday 1st September,
she will commence her duties as Assistant Minister to
the Rev William McMillan MBE, who was installed at
Dunmurry in 1970.
Moira woman, Mrs Taggart is well known around Lisburn
having worked as a Traffic Attendant for the past 18
years. In 2003 she commenced her Theology studies at
Glasgow University, under the auspices of the Presbytery
of Antrim. On completion of her ministerial training
last year, she was licensed to preach the Gospel by the
Presbytery of Antrim at a Service of Licensing in First
Presbyterian Church (Non-subscribing) Dunmurry on
Tuesday 26th June 2007.