Sir Knt
Ian Patterson, Worshipful
District Master of Largymore
District Chapter RPB No 9
presents a cheque to Sir Knt
Stephen Walker of Elijah's
Chosen Few Total Abstinence
RBP 871. Looking on is
Stephen's father, Sir Knt
Jack Walker.
Sir Knt Ian Patterson, Worshipful District Master of Largymore
District Chapter RPB No 9 presented a cheque on behalf of the
Imperial Grand Black Chapter to Sir Knt Stephen Walker of
Elijah's Chosen Few Total Abstinence RBP 871 at the Robert
Watson Memorial Hall, Hillhall last Monday evening (4th August).
The funding will be used to help finance Stephen's three-year
Pastoral Training course at the Irish Baptist College, Moira,
which he will commence next month (Monday 8th September).
Stephen, a member of Lisburn Congregational Church, is married
to Elaine and they have two daughters Keri and Laura. After
attending Harmony Hill Primary School and Dunmurry High he
worked for Revival Movement Association and Every Home Crusade
(Belfast) who produce Christian literature in 90 different
languages to over 100 countries worldwide.