An Advent Carol Service in
Hillsborough Parish Church on Sunday 30th November at 6.30pm
will commence the count down to Christmas at Hillsborough.
Held immediately before the switching on of the village
Christmas tree lights, the informal service of Carols and Bible
readings will tell the story of the nativity - the real 'reason
for the season'. Reminding us of the need to
stop and ponder in the midst of life's busyness, the evening of
festive music by the Parish Choir will provide a great way to
mark the beginning of the festive season as the congregation
celebrate Christ's coming and rejoice in the promise that he
will come again.
After the service, the entire
congregation will make the short journey to the village for the
Christmas tree switch-on ceremony at 7.30pm after which everyone
is welcome to enjoy seasonal refreshments (tea and mince pies)
in the parish church halls supplied by Hillsborough Village and
District Committee.
Services at Hillsborough Parish
Church during the Christmas season are as follows: On Sunday
21st December (Advent 4) there will be a Service of Holy
Communion at 8.30am; All-age Christingle Service at 10.30am and
a Service of Nine Lessons & Carols at 6.30pm. On Christmas
Eve there will be a service of Holy Communion at 11.30pm and on
Christmas Day there will be Christmas Communion at 8.30am and
All Age Worship at 10.30am.