Mihail and Albina Nikitov
A couple from Belarus are to be the guest speakers at a
Missionary Meeting to be held in Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian
Church (Nettlehill Road) next Wednesday evening (27th February)
at 8.00 pm.
Mihail and Albina Nikitov, who were married in 1988, came to
England in 1993 where they studied at the European Missionary
Fellowship School of Biblical Studies. In 1994 they moved to
Ruba were they were responsible for planting a church. Ruba, a
town of 7,080 inhabitants, is in the Vitebsk region of Belarus.
According to the Rev Professor Robert McCollum, minister of
Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian Church, the town at that time had
no Christian witness and in fact there were no Christians living
in the area. The Nikitovs made contact with individuals who
showed an interest in Christianity. The Lord blessed their
efforts: a number of adults were converted and a church was
established. Mihail pastors the church and continues with
personal evangelism supported by his wife Albina. They have been
encouraged in the work, as the Lord has continued to bless their
efforts and add new members to the congregation. In 2002, new
legislation in Belarus concerning evangelical churches caused
concern for the future of the church; the need for their own
permanent church building became an urgent requirement.
Following a long difficult period, when their plans to achieve
this were fiercely opposed by local residents, the building
project is now well under way.
Everyone will be most welcome to join with us at the Missionary
Meeting in Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian Church next Wednesday
evening when Mihail and Albina Nikitov will give an up-to-date
presentation of their Christian work and witness in this region
of Belarus.
Further information available from Rev Robert McCollum 92664313.