Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian Church is hosting a Bible
Conference Week (Sabbath 26th -Friday 31st October). The
theme of the week will be 'The Biblical Truths Rediscovered
at the Protestant Reformation'. Prof Robert McCollum, the
minister of the congregation, explained why this theme was
chosen. 'Next year is the 500th anniversary of John
Calvin's birth (born 10 July 1509) and it is important to
prepare for this celebration'. Mr McCollum also added,
'If Martin Luther was the spark that ignited the
Reformation, John Calvin was the fan ensuring that the flame
of gospel truth spread throughout Europe and eventually had
impact on every continent'. The aim of this conference
is to clarify the foundational truths which John Calvin
preached in Geneva and which continues to be the
confessional basis of Reformed and Evangelical churches
throughout the world.
The guest preacher will be Dr Peter Naylor. Dr Naylor is the
minister of Immanuel Presbyterian in Cardiff and has
preached before in Lisburn. On Sabbath evening he will
preach DV on the 'Pre-eminence of Christ' and
on week-nights he will preach on what are called the
'Solas of the Reformation'. 'The Scriptures - our
only foundation' (Monday); 'The Glory of God -
our only goal' (Tuesday); 'Christ - our only
mediator' (Wednesday); 'Grace - God's
unmerited favour' (Thursday); 'Faith - our
only way of salvation' (Friday).
Mr McCollum assures everyone of a warm welcome to one or all
of these meetings. A bookstall will be on display to browse
or buy and supper will be provided. If you have any
questions contact Mr McCollum at 92664313.