Margaret Benson and Irene Bethel.
L to R: (seated) Margaret Benson,
Marion Johnston (former Brown Owl) and Irene Bethel.
(back row) The Rev John Budd (Rector) and Trudy Hull
(Chairperson of Derriaghy Youth Council). |
L to R: (seated) Lorraine Hamill
(County Commissioner South Antrim), retiring Brownie
leaders Margaret Benson and Irene Bethel and Julie
Rankin (District Commissioner). (back row) 1st
Derriaghy Guide, Brownie and Rainbow leaders Alexis
Burrows, Rosemary Fell, Barbara Morrison, Carla Budd
and Julie Aitken. |
1st Derriaghy Guide, Brownie and Rainbow Unit Parents' Night,
which was held in Christ Church, Derriaghy on Thursday 29th May,
was a nostalgic evening for retiring Brownie leaders Miss
Margaret Benson and Mrs Irene Bethel. During the evening, the
Rev John Budd (Rector), Mrs Trudy Hull (Chairperson of Derriaghy
Youth Council) and Mrs Marion Johnston (former Brown Owl) made
presentations to Margaret and Irene in recognition of 46 years
exemplary service to guiding.