L to R: Rev Jim Carson (St Paul's),
The Very Rev John Bond (Dean of Connor), Rev Canon
Dr Ken Cochrane, Rev Paul Dundas (Christ Church),
The Rev Diane Matchett (Curate Assistant), Brian
Littler (Parish Reader) and Mr Alan Whyte (Dean's
Verger). |
L to R: Rev Jim Carson (St Paul's),
Rev Canon Dr Ken Cochrane, Rev Paul Dundas (Christ
Church) and Alderman Edwin Poots MLA (Deputy Mayor). |
Canon Cochrane and his family. L to
R: Michael, Eleanor, Canon Cochrane, Mrs Mildred
Cochrane, Emma and Simon. |
Rev Canon Dr Ken Cochrane pictured
with his son Michael. |
special service of Holy Communion in Christ Church on Sunday
29th June marked the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of the
Rev Canon Dr Ken Cochrane. The Rev Paul Dundas (Christ Church)
and the Rev Jim Carson (St Paul's) devised the liturgy based on
Holy Communion and Canon Cochrane celebrated at the service of
Holy Communion. The preacher was the Dean of Connor, The Very
Rev John Bond, who was Canon Cochrane's first Curate in St.
Paul's; he took as his text 'we do not preach ourselves but
Jesus Christ as Lord' [2 Cor 4:5]. Mrs Norma Vokes and Mr Alan
Walker led prayers of thanksgiving and during the service a
collection was taken for the Christ Church Roof Fund and St
Paul's Kenya Project in 2009.
Richard Yarr presided on the organ and together with the
combined choirs of Christ Church and St Paul's sang the anthem,
'The Lord's Prayer'. The congregational hymns included, 'O
praise ye the Lord' and 'We have a Gospel to proclaim'.
The service, which was a reminder to all of us of our calling as
God's children to use our gifts where He leads, was followed by
a reception in the church hall where gifts were presented to
Canon and Mrs Cochrane by both Parishes as well as former
Curates of Canon Cochrane's.

The combined choirs of Christ Church and St Paul's pictured
leading the worship.