special service of Holy Communion in Christ Church on Sunday
29th June at 6.30pm will mark the 50th anniversary of the
ordination of the Rev Canon Dr Ken Cochrane. The Rev Paul Dundas
(Christ Church) and the Rev Jim Carson (St Paul's) will conduct
the service and the preacher will be the Dean of Connor, The
Very Rev John Bond, who was Canon Cochrane's first Curate in St.
The Rector of Christ Church, the Rev Paul Dundas writes, 'The
29th of June holds special affection for many clergy in the
Church of Ireland as it is St. Peter's Day and most clergy who
are ordained over 25 years ago were ordained on Saint's Days
such as St. Peter's. For Canon Ken Cochrane, this St. Peter's
Day is extra special as he will celebrate 50 years as a
clergyman in the Church of Ireland and all of those years were
served in the Diocese of Connor. Ken was ordained in St. Anne's
Cathedral in 1958 by Bishop R.C.H Elliott for a curacy in St.
Aidan's, Belfast'.
The Parishes of Christ Church and St. Paul's give a warm welcome
to all parishioners to attend this special anniversary in the
life of Canon Cochrane. The service, which is reminder to all of
us of our calling as God's children to use our gifts where He
leads, will be followed by a reception in the church hall.